Several ArmorGames Members have bought the PREMIUM CONTENT for Legend of the Void - Chapter 2 in order to use the On-Line Save Slots.
The On-Line Save Service from ArmorGames has been very UNSTABLE.
The Game Developer is reporting that ArmorGames has fixed the PROBLEM but as of a few moments ago (after several tries) I don't see ANY FORMER ON-LINE SAVES that I made!
Please "fix" as I don't want to have to "redo" these Characters AGAIN and if I save any NEW ON-LINE SAVE Characters I run the risk of overwriting my OLD ON-LINE SAVES!
~~ LOTV Forum Admin/Moderator and Game Beta Tester ~~
If your having problems viewing your ON-LINE SAVES it may be related to ARMOR GAMES (In-Game) LOGIN not updating GAME to reflect "ARMOR GAMES PREMIUM" (yellow banner on bottom).
If the banner on the bottom is RED then (using In-Game LOGIN)
1. LOG OUT(if you are "Logged In" as shown in upper left corner) ..then..
2. LOG IN(again)
3. **If that doesn't update GAME to reflect "ARMOR GAMES PREMIUM"(yellow banner on bottom) you WILL NEED TO REPEAT #1 and #2 above.
**IMPORTANT: Only AFTER you see ARMOR GAMES PREMIUM(yellow banner on bottom)THEN CHECK YOUR ON-LINE SAVES by clicking on LOAD GAME.
~~ LOTV Forum Admin/Moderator and Game Beta Tester ~~
You need to be a PREMIUM MEMBER - that is - have PAID for PREMIUM CONTENT - in order for the GAME to update to reflect "ARMOR GAMES PREMIUM" (yellow banner on bottom).
Sorry for any confusion.
~~ LOTV Forum Admin/Moderator and Game Beta Tester ~~
That way if you ever want to "go back to an early point in the game" and repeat an area (which may give you different Drop Items) or have simply lost your saved character (maybe due to a power black out or some "error" you will have the BACK UP FILES to "recall" the Character.
Hope this suggestion helps someone...
~~ LOTV Forum Admin/Moderator and Game Beta Tester ~~
FWIW, Armor games sent a message to the Obelisk Games that suggests they have now repaired it: I believe we found and fixed the root cause of these issues. There was apparently an incompatibly of memcached libs between some of the servers in our cluster. This lead to some servers in our cluster not being able to read session info set by other servers. This issue has been resolved and from what are seeing, this has resolved the sporadic failure issues. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your information and patience as we figured this out. __________________