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It seems like yesterday I was just a Senior in high school, almost about to fail and get held back...BUT...I passed and here I am, sitting in my room (I was extremely lucky to get a single bedroom) thinking to myself...WOW!
So much stress already, and classes haven't even started yet! Though the people don't seem much different than me, probably because they're all Computer Simulation/Game Design Majors like myself, BUT I think they are all just as worried as I am as well. To be away from Mom and Dad, and even(like me) away from the girlfriend.

I guess I want to start a thread here where all you college students could post stories, stresses, how you got over certain things about your freshman year of college.

  • 6 Replies
5,340 posts

not a college student. but the only thing i can say is that im jealous of you. do your best, dont give up and know that college will also probably be fun sometimes.

1,773 posts

lucky you. I go to the army.

3,139 posts

I'm no longer a college/university student, as i just graduated but i am going back. Our experiences would be very different as i didn't stay in halls/dorms and even there only single rooms exist. I can't imagine how awesome/horrific it would be to have a room mate.

Advice: Strike the study/party balance.

Usually people party too much (like me) and don't get the grades they hoped for, or study too much and regret not having the proper college experience. Know that it's okay to party and have fun, but not when you know you have work to do.

600 posts

Advice: Strike the study/party balance.

Hahaha I won't be partying too much, I took ALL morning classes so my afternoons will be spent doing homework, working, or playing videogames (after all I am a videogame major)!! Plus weekends I have devoted to my girlfriend, promised her I would try to come home every weekend and spend it with her.
Despite everyone telling us we're going to break up because of this, we are both mature enough to understand the stresses and such...Doing fine so far!
1,416 posts

Well, I went to college about 4.7 thousand miles from my home, so I wasn't able to visit many (or, you know, any) weekends. I had never visited my college/state before attending as a freshman, and since I was flying in alone I thought it would be a good idea to arrive a day early, so I could get used to things before the hordes arrived. Of course, they didn't let me move in so I had to stay in a B+B, and the next morning I hitched a ride with some random (but incredibly nice) student in a similar situation back to campus. All of my belongings fit into two suitcases.

I met/talked to my roommate for the first time that day, and he turned out to be a giant. Who both snored and ground his teeth. Needless to say I got used to sleeping with my ipod on. (As a sophomore, I got a single. I plan on doing that again, but I'll be abroad this semester, so rooming will have to wait (also it is worth noting that despite being the bro-y-ist of bros, my roommate was a very nice person and we never had any trouble))

But man, do I love my college. Even though I have multiple nights a week where I don't exactly get to sleep, even though sometimes the dubstep next door can get a BIT excessive, even though there are some people you just can't put up with. Its all worth it, and then some. Because, the things I learn while staying up until lunch are some of the most important things I have ever learned, some days I just want blast my music too, and I have met the coolest most interesting people of my life here. AND we wave a competitive woodsmen team, where I get to throw axes at stuff and speed climb and all that jazz.

Plus weekends I have devoted to my girlfriend

Maybe... Maybe at first you will have real weekends, where you can spend time with people and be an actual human. But as the year goes on, it will be increasingly hard to find weekends where both you and your girlfriend are both free.

Also, I mean, you're in college, you know? Weekends are important. No, really, they are. Go play some stump, you'll love it.
512 posts

I been in school two years and all i have to say is study all your material early as soon as you get it it's the only way to relieve strees from and unsespecting problems and study for test two weeks prior because you think you remember something then you forget about it then you wished you studied more odnt be afraid to ask question either.

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