ForumsWEPRAnimals to be slaughtered,tortured.

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564 posts

Many animals bred to be slaughtered,when young have their tails cut and sharp tooth pulled out,castrated without any painkillers.

They spent their days in living hell,unable to feel sunlight at their backs.

the most tortured animals,excluding fishes,will be chickens.

once,my mum brought a CD from a temple(i'm a buddist)
which shows cruelty of animals in those places.

it's shows a pig,limbs being chopped and skinned while fully conscious,blinking it eyes and screaming.

cows are hung upside down when killed.throats slid.

discuss how we can stop it and why should we stop animal cruelty to those to be slaughtered,even if they are brought up to be fed to us,humans.

  • 36 Replies
564 posts

medification for growth,not as in the animal's sick and had anti-biotics.

they feed medicine so that animals will grow so obese that they cannot support their weight.

61 posts

They also force-feed animals to make them fatter, so that they can be killed sooner. It's actually rather disgusting.
In my opinion, we should create laws whereby animals must be put to sleep or should at least by unconscious before being slaughtered. But I suppose that would just make things worse, because then people would just keep breaking the law. And I'm sure police officers have much better things to do.
But to prevent and stop animal torture and slaughter, is hard to say. People will just continue doing it, and some people won't even realize it.

263 posts

*sigh* It's the only way we get food, as there is no other food source, unless we're vegetarians.

469 posts

@ Kane: I said some chinese community. I'm not sure what the population is of these communities, but I'm not giving a generalization of every chinese culture.

223 posts

America could eat healthier! COWS AND CHICKENS USE TO BE WILD BUT NOT NO MORE! Poor animals

242 posts


But that the things they say aren't entirely true isn't what ultimately affects their impact, see?

Lying always reduces your argument, because once it's pointed out that you lied or exaggerated in one part of your argument, many people will begin believing you lied in others. Integrity is an important value because it gives your words strength.

Now, I'll admit that there are times when one can stretch the truth (like in quick discussion where you are making a point), but PETA carries that into absurdity, which is why many people don't take them seriously, and their good arguments get ignored.

Ethical vegetarianism is one such stance.

This I entirely agree with, and it's an argument I can respect.


You still have to explain why growth hormone is a bad thing to give to cows. I mean, baseball players all want to take it; so it's not harmful. And I've seen advertisements that proudly proclaim that their animals got no antibiotics, so it's definitely a claim being made. I still think it's a dumb idea. Hello, I'd rather eat healthy cows!

@ThexDancingxMuffin: "They" force-feed a tiny minority of animals, because it's just wildly inefficient. I know geese are forcefeed to make foie gais, but that's the only example I can think of. Overfeeding most animals is neither easy (do YOU want to be the person to hold the one ton steer down so someone can force grain down it's throat?) nor efficient (anything the animal can't digest is just pooped out). Most farmers don't want fat animals, they want healthy animals, because people don't pay for fat, they pay for muscle.

And you wildly overestimate the cruelty that goes into the slaughtering process. yes, SOME animals are tortured, but the vast majority are killed near instantaneously in a way that is painless for the animal.
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