I've been told that the moderators have the ability to delete comments that are considered spam or violate the terms of service, but should we have the ability to delete our own comments? I remember one time when I accidentally submitted a comment-in-progress and had to resubmit it as a result.
There is always, of course, the possibility that we can delete our own comments, but that I'm unaware that we can do so. I think that we can delete comments on our own profile pages, but I'd like to see it implemented into games as well.
Yeah, I was referring to deleting comments that you made. Sorry about the confusion. I did like your idea about how to go about making comments, though; I might start putting that into practice.
You could always post anything you submit to your own profile as well as where you originally posted it, and then if you made a mistake you can delete it and retype it. That way you can delete whatever posts you want to delete, and still make the correction. :P
You lost me there chief.
I have way too many pages on my "All Comments" page. I want to delete ALL. xD
It can be done, and I did it once. And it lost the current number 1 his spot. FST6 and I talked all the time, and when I deleted all the comments on my profile, it dropped his AP by a lot. He was a bit miffed, freaked and got banned.
Be able to delete your comment really necessary. But the game should not be overestimated. This will not be collected. Before you make an assessment must be assessed as charms and flaws game.
Gantic said rating changes will be allowed in AG3, and I think he also said editing will be available as well.
Is the first part Gantic said already set in stone, or open to change? I realized that the admins and mods probably go through several stages in the design process before releasing the final product to the general public.
The ability to change your rating was available in closed beta. Never said anything about being able to edit because no one knows yet what comment/forum system will be in place.