I wasn't sure where to put this, but the new MMO Spiral Knights has some problems that really need to be fixed ASAP.
These issues include: 1. When toggling fullscreen on 1024x768x32 60 Hz the game crashes. (I haven't tried it on the other resolutions mainly because the game runs poorly even on my own resolution.) 2. Opening the options screen covers the page, allowing you to be attacked from enemies you can not see. Idea: make it a bar over on the left or right side of the screen. 3. Various sliders - moving the sliders requires you to click above the specified slider, and most of the time they still refuse to move.
In addition to these issues (I played a whole 3 minutes before finding these issues and having the game crash) the controls need to be reworked - movement is okay being WASD or the mouse, but the attacking needs to be somewhere in the IJKL area for American keyboard configurations instead of Z.
Gameplay needs to be smoothed out. MMO's in general face a HUGE enemy called LAG Lag and rough movement causes more player deaths than anything else that I know of.
Once these issues are seen and looked after, I will most likely do another review.
Thanks for your time and for reading this. I'll attempt to find Sega's email and send this to them as well.
P.S. please feel free to add any other issues into this thread so that they don't get scattered around the forums