It was called Games of Gondor. I don't have any pictures.
Wrong. Here's a timeline of AG from other posts I've seen that included screenshots (though I'm not posting the screenshots):
Before 2005: Games of Gondor (can also be thought of as an AG0) 2005-2007: AG1. There was also an AG2 Beta in 2007. 2008 on: AG2 (the current AG). There has been an AG3 Beta since 2010, and it's still going on.
The current guess for the release of AG3 is early 2013.
Can you find it in the "Way Way Back Archives"? I think you type Armor Games and it willl show you a list of "AG". Just look for one with a castle on the top?
I think Ghost or Salvidian should know how it looks like.
Please describe you thoughts and views about AG1 and the development of AG2 at the time.