ForumsThe TavernThe Deck of Games 2.0

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Well, I figured since I haven't been around in ages I'd start somewhere aside from never leaving the Art, Music and Writing forum. To those of you who do not know what I intend to do here, please see here.

For those of you who did not click the link, allow me to explain. The Deck of Games is something I created as a time waster for creative purposes. However, it became somewhat popular and I updated it frequently until I felt it had run its course, and I went on a hiatus. I've decided to return to this idea, but to refine it, limit it somewhat, and most importantly, as for user imput, because being one man on this project turned into a nightmare.

Therefore we must have rules!

1. You may only have one spot within the Deck of Games.
2. You must justify why you deserve to be in a given House.
3. In terms of the ranks of: King, Queen and Knight (or any top 3ranks) the user must give an extremely justified reason.
4. I have final say in who goes where.
5. I will take suggestions for House names, however, again, I have final say in what is put into the Deck.

The first house is an one of honourary status that I exempt from Rule 1. I do this because some of these users are still somewhat active, and contribute to the community.

High House Old Guard:

King: MageGrayWolf

Queen: Asherlee

Knight: Samy

Captain: Fallensky

Soldier: MrWalker82

Builder: MoonFairy

Herald: TackyCrazyTNT

Scholar: Parasat

Wanderer: Efan

  • 2 Replies
15,595 posts

A house for health and fitness. I know you probably won't name it that, but I'm sure you'll come up with something creative.

I'd like to be king of that house, because of this.

I nominate Lin for the knight or whatever the highest male position is. He's knowledgeable about health and fitness and actively workouts.

I'm not sure about the Queen position. You said people can only have one spot, and the only women I know that play sports and/or workout are Tacky and Moon.

For the others, you'll find users throughout the thread I linked.

639 posts

Well i should definitely be ranked highly because I have the confidense that just typing these two sentences will get me up there. I'm also a genius and awesome so...

However, in all reality, I run every day. I've ran a 4:32 1600m, a 1:58 800m, a 0:51 400m, a 9:35 3k, and a 16:00ish 5k...just make me the wanderer and I'll be content. I think i could wander a lot with how much I run so wanderer sounds good.

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