ForumsThe TavernEvil or Good?

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Do you think people are inherently bad and just do good, or are they good deep down and just do bad things. I'm not really talking in a religious sense, but more of a human nature sense.

  • 21 Replies
1,824 posts

In order to remedy deteriorating conditions, and to ensure the common good, His Supreme Majesty Master Forger the I has issued a right that the modern environment is to be outlawed and destroyed.
No no, ha ha, I am kidding. But you cannot judge a person overall; a madman who has killed many could take a bullet for someone he loved, and a religious do-gooder can be corrupted by the world to steal or kill.
Good and Evil are like Light and Darkness; one will never exist without the other. To remove evil entirely from the equation is to remove any superior state of existence. Perfect society is always Elsewhere, as the Khajiit saying goes.

3,139 posts

Anyway, since we're on that; assuming we have free will, means we have the capacity to do 'evil' stuff on our own, without input of the devil. We were allegedly created that way, be it us modern humans or the legendary Eve. Now why does one 'evil' act by her become hereditary just because she did it? I would consider the original sin more as coming from god directly, who gave us the capacity to be evil; and that would mean we are not evil from birth, but only potentially so.

It's not something i agree on. I believe a metaphor was perhaps taken too far here. Sure, Adam and Eve ate an apple when they were told not too. I would too if i was hungry. If a kid acts a goof in class, should the entire class be punished? No. So labelling an innocent child as sinful is out of order in my opinion.

Thankfully most have strayed away from the view that if the baby dies before baptism it will be stuck in limbo, never making it to heaven. To me, that viewpoint which was forced upon us once upon a time is an example of evil: Oh, you lost your child? Well here's some comfort..
5,340 posts

Remember back to your childhood? Did you experience any of those things? Imagine how better it would've been if you were surrounded by happy and stable people and you didn't experience any trauma or tragedy.

i partly agree. sometimes knowing more doesnt take away your innocence though. actually, sometimes you understand the joy of simple things much better if you get hurt. honestly, i think that if i wouldnt experience the sad and painful things in my life id be much less "innocent". it really depends on the person. one will just go to drugs, another will become more excited about the simpler things. and those are only 2 options i can think of right now.
1,373 posts

People are both, we are both good and bad. It is the path you choose in life that determines whether your intentions or your personality is good or bad. Everyone has a naive and innocent side and a dark and evil minded side. But it is what happens to you in life and how you respond to it that determines if you are "Good" or "Bad".

639 posts

I love how you try troll every little thing.

Don't want to start something on here but thank god someone said it...I'll probably get ridiculed for saying thank god even though it's an idiomatic expression.

Just something to think about: Think about all the times you've made a decision in your life that had a morality to it, one way or the other. I feel like I speak for a pretty good number of people when I say that doing the wrong thing is very easy. Personally, I think each of us has to struggle to do good and stay on the straight and narrow. Good people are just people who fight the most. Of course, the difficulty is different from one person to the next, but ceteris peribus, it's generally a struggle to do good in a lot of situations. I know there are many things that we do that are good that we just do without thinking, but I'll give an example:

When you see something you want in a store you might have to tell yourself "you have to buy it; don't steal", but i don't think many theives tell themselves "steal it, don't give in and buy it, steal it!"

But I'm sure there'll be plenty of you that think differently and/or find 1000 holes in my argument...
3,139 posts

eel like I speak for a pretty good number of people when I say that doing the wrong thing is very easy. Personally, I think each of us has to struggle to do good and stay on the straight and narrow.

Doing the wrong thing is very easy indeed. I think everyone has had times when they know the wrong thing is the easiest thing, but the good thing is the best thing. Cheating on an exam for example. If you cheat, it's easy, no work and you get the grade. But i know if i ever did it, i would feel so guilty and not enjoy the grade. If i worked and got a decent grade then it'd be better, it's what i deserve.
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