Unless... The launch is really close! And that would mean there won't be any increase in AP from now on...
And a few hours into today, if the staff is at all wise.
Now, let's just assume here that the staff doesn't work weekends, and that they, while oblivious to the forums and the issues and stuff, do no hate our guts and hope that we will soon hate them back with as much burning passion... Then why would they issue a lock down of AP gain before the weekend?
If it was to transfer the site... Then why would they do this before they weekend? They know by now that whenever they touch the site, something might, can and will go wrong, as shown all the other times they have either tried to transfer the server or put in html access or... So, if they know it might very well go horribly wrong (and that this will make their emails crash from all the hate and flaming and complaining), and they probably really, really want to go home and have a proper weekend... Why would they then want to transfer the site today?
And more so, if they are not going to transfer the site, why would they lock down the AP without any warning or notification (besides them being programmers)? If they are going to wait over the weekend to transfer, or even longer, they will again have a flaming, hatefilled and whiny email stack to go through.
So, really, in my opinion, it's either a glitch, "feeling different from the other one", or it's the staff making their, to this day, most idiotic mistake in the handling of a website. And I actually don't think they would be that stupid.
But eh, what do I know, it's not like they have shown progress on the information front lately*.
*The announcement on Beta closing does not count.