ForumsThe TavernTrue and funny stories

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Well... As the name implies, give your true and funny stories.

  • 5 Replies
18,319 posts

I met your mom

Nah just kidding ok my story is one day im just going to the bathroom and somehow my cat opens the door and I'm just standing there peeing.

3,152 posts

My sister was a huge fan of this music group. She was on their website one day, and saw they were going to be in this feature article in this music magazine (I don't even remember the name of it.) Anyway, she and my other sister decided to subscribe to this magazine.

They went down to the music store, got a copy of this magazine, and came back home. It turns out, they didn't have enough money to subscribe, and my parents said no to any money for it (since they already had a couple other subscriptions to other magazines.)

About a month later, my sister (the one obsessed with music), came to me and said: "This magazine is having a contest, can I use your name along with mine so I can have a better chance of winning?" I, without consideration, said yes. About two weeks later, this magazine showed up, and my sister told everyone that she won this contest (under my name), and that she got a free subscription.

For about a year, these magazines kept showing up, then one day, I happened to beat my sister to get the mail, and there was this letter for me in it. I opened it up, and to my surprise, this magazine was starting legal action against me for failure to pay the $90 bucks for this two year subscription.

To make this long story a little shorter, it turns out my sister filled out the subscription card with my name (she was too scared to use her own), and left the billing address blank, hoping she wouldn't get in trouble, and intercepted the five other notices the magazine had sent out so I wouldn't see them.

My Dad called the magazine, and was able to straighten the whole thing out, as long as my sister sent back all the magazines, plus $30.00 for damages... (BTW, she got in huge trouble over this)

I still find it hilarious that I was getting sued when I was only 9 years old.

5,875 posts

I remember a long time ago. My friend prank called someone and said "Hello, this is pizza hut, your cheese pizza order will be delivered in 15 minutes." And that person said, "I don't care who the .... this is I will ... find you-" And my friend hung up.

3,139 posts

Prank calls are always the best.

We pranked my friends Dad, who's massive into collecting star wars stuff. When we were in her house, he was entering a competition to win something or other, so we called him up pretending that he'd won. Was a very convincing call with the "For English, please select one" "To confirm your address is [blahblahblah], please press two]. Poor man sat on the phone for near twenty minutes. Went to their house the day it was "being delivered" and he sat waiting excitedly for hours until we told him what was up.

5,952 posts

Alright so for whatever reason, when I walk I almost always look at my feet. Im not sure why, but I do. Mainly outside. Inside I'm fine. I guess it started when I didn't want to ruin my shoes....
So little me was walking down the road. I was staring at my shoes heading towards the fair. Well, as I was admiring my shoes, a wild traffic sign appeared warning drivers about construction. I was lucky enough to run head on it the sign, my head hitting the left corner of the diamond. The entire sign started vibrating and it make a loud noise, so naturally, everyone looked at me. I had a red triangle mark on my head for a few days.
That was a fun day.

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