a homing missle count? because these are the robots you are talking about.
Not the metchas you see in hollywood, but a Hammer jeep who drive without a driver {Made in Israel }, all of these Neutralizing bombs robots, UAV's, these are the robots.
no one will ever count on a machin to aim and shoot. it can reload, it can find targets, but you need a man to push the trigger. you need a man to go manualy some times. like with cars. you can program a car which will drive according to the rules, and you wont have to do anything. but then, when old man jenkins will do a mistake with his old Va, the poor robot wont be able to react, or react properly.
and about war. A war is a situation when two sides try to inforce there Policy on other sides, from hte policy of "this land belong to" to "your ruleing system is wrong".
And afcours, there is the big human factor. I can asure you that talking wont have changed Napoleon mind. He wanted to be the new empire. he had ambitions. these wars are about glory fame and Profit, Warlord, Generals and Dictators who want to won the biggest prize. some times its glory on the battlefield, sometimes its patriotism, sometimes just greed.
Sometimes, Wars are like Business dispute, but in much larger scales {and sometimes not}. Its a battle about power and dominance. like britaines wanted to stay the supreme kingdome in the 100 years war, like Russia did in georgia, like Usa did with mexico. Or when Rome conquard Spain, and when France-England-Holland-Germany and whoever not take parts of china, for profit. soliders died so there nations {and its leader} will get more money.
and some wars are afcours about territory. Kashmir, Israel, New-Mexico, Ethiopia, Elzese-Loraine - again, sometimes for profit, but mainly for the prestige for your nation. wierd things man do for there nation, risking there life for something that in so many ways dont have anything to do with them.
Its like a Alpha Dog, making the other male dog surrender, lie down with his back on the floor. Sure, they can talk about it, but the alpha dog know {or think} that his Muscles will talk better. Two kids who want the same toy will never let the other take it forever. if they wnat it, no trades or promissee will ever work. So does in Wars. Nazi germany wanted Poland. so tehy took it. they talked about it when they took chehoslovakia, but it wasent enough. they didnt wanted just a part of czeh, they wanted the entire area. talking couldnt help.
Peoples says that there could be never a war between two democratic nations. I think that this is wrong. I know some warmongers, who belive that Israel need to be in a total war with all the arabs, and europe if need to, and china and russia. everyone that they dont like its way of thinking or willing to live in peace. they want all the middle east. "two sides have the jordan river, this is for us and this is for us", from the Tigris to the Euphrates. Luckly they are very very very few. but as we learned in history, when bad times come, these people give hope to the ignorant and to the Desperate, and they sometimes like the Idea of being an empire.
back to the topic -
I dont think that a fully Autonomous machine is possible. there are so many factors, cover, aiming, wind, noises, smells, and even logic - when you see a rock hit a wall, propbly someone throw it. but yet again, maybe it is a grenade? Im not sure if a robot can handle all of these little trivial things. seeing that there is a fruit garden near a cave, show that the guard is getting bored, so there is a regular secret base. a machine couldnt learn this, and no human is capble of making an Encyclopedia that will include all of these ideas and facts.
But a 'robot on the remote' is much more realistic. human mind, robotic body and spendable. go mechas! go Iron man {Although I hate Robert Downey Jr.}.