I made it to the evil wizard level, but can not get past the last boss monster. Something like 150,000 HP and 150 armor. And since I can't level up past 51, I dont see how its possible to beat him.
the same that have been mentioned here before also work for the evil wizard. you need about 6500 mana for each time he gets to your base(depending on your defence level).
just buff the manapool upgrade and stop using mana when you're at about level 45. Now you should have anough mana to let him get a couple of rounds of beating.
but start early with the manapool upgrade cause it gives you 8% more mana(and score). pays off real early on all levels.
I'm level 51 now and I'm only half way I'm doing the amulets now I've done 3 hidden places or more looks like next update you can level up so keep getting XP
I dont really see whats so hard about this game and why people get stuck meh. The game gets rediculously easy after you can upgrade top tier gems (so you start with 4 level 6 gems and 5 level 5's) added with pure gem mastery the game is a piece of cake
IF you use your common sense A.K.A use the best gems (Red , lime , yellow) and whenever possible NEVER use garbage such as (green and orange) Splash is so completely broken and imbalanced placing one near their entrance can obliverate everything.
oh and a few tips Dual gems are good early game so use it (and max out dual mastery) and when you can finally get pure mastery reset all skills and move it into pure and only use pure gems. NEVER get 3 + elements they suck. always max out the free starter gems and when you can get medium ones reset skills and put them into medium and do the same thing after you can get free large gems
AND probably the most useful one is that combing level 7 gems with level 1's (doesnt matter what type but i only use it on the secret levels) not only increases the "level 7 gems or more" parimeter but also gives 1 range and 1 speed why is it useful? because if you combine with a level 6 gem it will only give around 3 speed and 5 range. Good luck on future umm crafting?
Hey I just read through this, and thank you Mac_MK for putting that strategy for the first epic boss on here. Just so every one knows, the strategy guide is very good, and the strategy I gave to Mac_MK is a hybrid of the guide for that one level made by me using information from the guide and my own experience.
I agree with Ralphocop, always reset your skills, and usually max out the skills that you think you would use the most. About the dual gems, like Ralphocop said, when you get the dual mastery spell, dual gems kick some serious butt because when you max it out, the speed is way up there and if you combine high level gems with lvl 1 gems AND the dual mastery spell is in effect, you have a high damaging, rapid fire gem. It's that awesome.
Plus, if you plan to use manapool, use it early or you wont get much out of it. And if any one wants help, ask on my profile. If I'm past that point I will help (right now I'm just past the second epic boss, I don't have trouble, I'm just only spending about half an hour on it every day)
Not sure if this matters that much, but a simple strategy (especially for earlier levels and beginners) is to advance the first 20 waves or so and then make a bunch of grade 1 gems and use them as spammy gem bombs (use keyboard shortcuts). As your mana bar starts to fill, build a few towers for extra medals (thus extra points). On the early levels, you will always get shining frames. I use it on later levels while I take some time to carefully craft my gems just the way I like them.
I have no idea if anybody has suggested this strategy already or not, or how obvious it really is, but I figured it was good enough to throw out there for criticism.
ok i have tried the authors guide and i always die on the 1st round on the 1st epic and i lose a lot of mana from wave 29 on sine it takes me like 3 rounds to kill them off what should i level up i'm lvl 23 and what gem levels should i have
I'm almost at the end I over scored all the lands I'll finish the game latter it got kinda boring when you can't level anymore but its still fun I can't wait for v2.0
I beat the last epic lvl (with a glowing frame i might add) and it really wasn't that bad. He has 146k hp and 120 armor. I suggest lining up the way with grade 6 or better gems on both sides and trenching the path in between. No higher than grade 8 gems as they are expensive and are a waste when instead you can have two grade 7s that together do more damage. I also suggest using cyan and purple gems as much as you can. It's also helpful to have a high grade green gem. Then if you beat the other epic bosses, you know that it is nearly impossible to beat them on the first lap. So, mana pool up regularly through the level and get to around 12k of mana. On his last lap, make sure to bomb his face as he nears your house. As far as skills go, you want to fix pure gem mastery, high grade starters, initial mana, gem combining, and lvl up about half way on gem bombs and structures. I beat him on his second lap and he had one more to go doing this.
-- Spoiler Alert--
Your guy gets corrupted at the end by the thing that corrupted the dark wizard and in the next chapter you have to save your old character.