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What would happen if all the ice caps in mars were to melt?
I read a manga called Aqua which says that after 150 years the ice caps will start to melt and people begin moving there calling Mars Aqua and Earth Manhome. Then they build a weather tower controling the climate to be just a livable as Earth and because there is so much water they have gondolas and a city called Neo-Venezia. But after reading the scientific facts I'm having some serious doubts (my dream)it will some true.

Is there a single life source on Mars?
Who knows? Aliens coudl live there and they could be very intellegent so rovers can't possibly show full evidence of a life source.

Would you go to mars if you could possibly die
Lets face it, Aliens, Climate, no human traveled to mars yet but I still say SURE I wanna see all of Mars and the exitement that goes with it!

If you have question related to Mars feel free to ask em'

  • 27 Replies
3,087 posts

I must disagree Ernie, the aliens would not be able to wipe out the entire colony unless they attacked in force.

~~~Darth Caedus

5,952 posts

I must disagree Ernie, the aliens would not be able to wipe out the entire colony unless they attacked in force.

... Isnt it obvious that they attack you before you get situated. And what idiot would attack 50+ people alo-- god, Im a nerd.
3,152 posts

The rock, the researchers explained, had formed 4.5 billion years ago on Mars, where it remained until 16 million years ago, when it was launched into space, probably by the impact of an asteroid. The rock wandered the inner solar system until 13,000 years ago, when it fell to Antarctica. It sat on the ice near AllanHills until 1984, when snowmobiling geologists scooped it up.

I'm sorry, but you really expect me to believe that? They can't prove that this rock came from Mars. That isn't the solid proof I was looking for.

Also, how did this bacteria last 13,000 years in Antarctica? From what I've seen, bacteria cannot live past 5 degrees Fahrenheit, and the average temperature in Antarctica is -70... Doesn't seem possible to me.
3 posts

you guys are all crazy there is or was life and water on mars so thats that

8,253 posts

I must disagree Ernie, the aliens would not be able to wipe out the entire colony unless they attacked in force.

Funny how you are making the assumption that if there are Marsians, they would not be able to wipe out a colony. What tells you that? What do you know about 'them'?

I'm sorry, but you really expect me to believe that? They can't prove that this rock came from Mars. That isn't the solid proof I was looking for.

That just sounded like a possible explanation of how the rock came to earth; if they say with certainty it comes from Mars, then they must have evidence like mineralogical studies compared to what you find on Mars, or stuff like that. Maybe.

Also, how did this bacteria last 13,000 years in Antarctica? From what I've seen, bacteria cannot live past 5 degrees Fahrenheit, and the average temperature in Antarctica is -70... Doesn't seem possible to me.

Endospores. But that's beside the point, as rocks from Mars, as far as I know, are supposed to show fossils of some kind of bacteria (though again, no consensus on that one), not live ones.

you guys are all crazy there is or was life and water on mars so thats that

So far even the existence of water isn't completely proven, so let's just wait for more informations.
3,087 posts

What I meant to say was they wouldn't be able to do it without us finding out.

~~~Darth Caedus

1,824 posts

If I could get 3/4 of the human population off to a terraformed Mars, I would. That way, I can have the forests, jungles, plains, and mountains (that still exist) all for myself and the remaining 2 billion, who will mainly be from Africa and western Asia. Maybe I'll kick 99% off the planet and just have me and a small community.

Anyway, about life on Mars; If there is any sentient life, it most likely is hiding, and then it most likely doesn't want any trouble. I am pretty sure if there were malignant lifeforms on Mars, they would have already attacked. We've spent at least a thousand years wallowing in a science-hating, religious cesspool that didn't even believe there was something outside Earth.

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

For the time being, let's just stick to associating the planet with those chocolate bars and ancient myths, whilst the rover does its lonely job.

784 posts

For all of you who want to go to Mars, why not consider the Mars Society in Utah?

It looks exactly like Mars, but it isn't on Mars, so you can live there as you would on Earth.

13,344 posts

I must disagree Ernie, the aliens would not be able to wipe out the entire colony unless they attacked in force.

If they existed and they wanted to kill all human colonists, the Martians could easily wipe out any earthlings who crossed their path. Why? Because they have the element of surprise. It's not like humans will be bringing weapons of any sort to Mars. They have too much faith in those multi-billion-dollar rovers to suspect any foul play taking place on Mars.

you guys are all crazy there is or was life and water on mars so thats that

There's water in my toilet. Does that mean there's intelligent life in there too?

If there is any sentient life, it most likely is hiding, and then it most likely doesn't want any trouble. I am pretty sure if there were malignant lifeforms on Mars, they would have already attacked.

Maybe they don't want to colonize, but they may not take too kindly to strangers, so they hide beneath the surface so other planets' civilizations won't have any reason to go there; and when someone non-Martian sets foot on their planet, they kill them immediately for invading their territory and not being Martian.

Hey, these Martians sound a bit like modern humans.
1,361 posts

Until Marvin the Martian comes down and tells me personally that Martians exist, I have no reason to believe that there is any life on Mars that's visible to the naked eye. =)

However, I won't reject the possibility completely until it's confirmed that the planet contains no life!

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