ForumsWEPRAsexuality (New intro: Page 12)

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I was watching something on National Geographic the other day and something about asexuals came up. I was a bit intrigued, but they did not go into as much detail as I wanted. I figured that sense we have a good group of discussioners (just made that word up), then we could all learn something.

What is Asexuality?

Wikipedia says: Asexuality describes individuals who do not experience sexual attraction and is considered by some to be a sexual orientation.[1] Asexuality as a human sexual orientation has only been recognized and defined in a few academic studies since the late 1970s, and a community of self-identified asexuals has only coalesced since the start of the 21st century, aided by the widening popularity of online communities.[1] One commonly cited study placed the incidence rate of asexuality at 1%.[2] Asexuality is not the same as celibacy, which is the deliberate abstention from sexual activity; many asexuals do have sex,[3] and most celibates are not asexual.

How does this fit into the Kinsey Sexuality Scale?

Alfred Kinsey was aware of an asexual element in the population but did little to investigate it. His Kinsey scale of sexual orientation consisted of a single axis lying between heterosexuality and homosexuality with bisexuality in between, and thus left no place for asexuality. In the Kinsey Reports of 1948 and 1953, subjects were scaled from 0 (completely heterosexual) to 6 (completely homosexual), but a separate category of X was created for those with "no socio-sexual contacts or reactions".[4][5] He labeled 1.5% of the adult male population as "X"


1. Is asexuality even real? I am skeptical. I don't see how one could be asexual given the hormones we all have.

2. Do you think it is purely sexual or does it involve romantic notions?

3. Given that it is real and does exist, could it be a result of a trauma?

4. Would you classify this as a mental disorder given the fact that their body has the right hormones, etc?

  • 192 Replies
3,086 posts

Have you experienced bullying from assholes 'cause of bein' asexual? I would also add that anyone that insults someones sexuality is a moron the world could do without. Why would anyone think that calling someone "gay" should make them feel bad as it is just a sexuality.
p.s: does anyone else think it is quite interesting how many new labels and names of sexuality have come up with in 40 years?

3,085 posts

I have received surprisingly little bullying because of it offline. However, online, some people do have Internet Tough Guy syndrome and seek to harass me because of my sexuality.

3,086 posts

some people do have Internet Tough Guy syndrome

1,573 posts

some people do have Internet Tough Guy syndrome

gotta love the tough guy routine. Usually tuff guys are total wimps that havent the guts to dish it out to people in person.

I, however, am a total wimp and dont even really dish it out to people online either. Unless I get angry, which aint often. Then it would happen either way and usually ends up with me coming off worse, so I avoid that like a spitting frying pan.
3,086 posts

Avorne, how would some people react when you tell them your Asexual? because for some reason, speaking about your sexuality makes for a mutually discomforting conversation with some people.

some kids around my age think it's an insult to call people "gay" and I feel ashamed that kids my age are so stupid.

If you think about partnerships mathematically (there is a point to this), finding someone that is smart (120 IQ & above) is 6/10. quite good you might say, but only 3 of those kids will use it. And say i'd like to find a life partner from those three. But again, how many would fit my personality and would make good partnership? about 0.5 of those three. so know we have 0.5 out of 6 (6 being all the intelligent people) so out of all the people out of the world (nearing 7 billion) that are the opposite gender, my age, healthy, mutual attractive qualities and are single. how many are there? and how many will I ever know or meet? jeez I have some searching to do.

by the way I am not so lonely I just compiled my rant out of boredom. Avorne does asexuality cancel the need to find a partner, out?

I, however, am a total wimp

No one is.
3,085 posts

I can assure you that I never initiate questions of sexuality. I only tell someone if I'm asked. Most of the time people are just curious about asexuality but there are some people who respond along the lines of "you're a friggin' poof, you are."

Also, I hope to find what tvtropes calls a 'Heterosexual Life Partner' (not my wording, of course). Someone who you would never initiate sexual actions with but is a really close best friend that you spend a large proportion of your time with -otherwise I'm gonna be one lonely-arse sunnova... Never mind that.

3,086 posts

I can assure you that I never initiate questions of sexuality.

That would be just silly.
Most of the time people are just curious about asexuality

Next time someone asks you could say: do you want to join? 'cause that'll really confuse them and maybe cause you a laugh.
people who respond along the lines of "you're a friggin' poof, you are."

Any intelligent retort you'll give will be wasted on them.
3,085 posts

Exactly, that's what is so bloody annoying - they're the same people who who call gay people 'dirty homos'. You can't reason with them.

1,573 posts

[quote]I, however, am a total wimp

No one is.[/quote]

lol, thanks for the vote of confidence. I wasnt really meaning it too seriously tho.
9,462 posts

If you had a relationship with someone where the other person wanted to have sex would you be apposed to it, or would you do it if nothing more then for the others sake?
If you would, would it matter whether the person was male or female? Since you have no sex drive of your own I'm guessing it wouldn't matter, but I thought I would ask to be sure. Also I hope these questions aren't to personal.

3,085 posts

I would be opposed to it, however, if I was in a position where I thought there was some importance to it (I can't think of one at the minute) then I really wouldn't mind - male or female.

3,085 posts

I dug up a lovely article from about understanding Asexuality from the outside.

It covers the basics without binding everyone to one massively long, in-depth definition.

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