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I recently started with a Japanese language and I was just wondering if anyone could give me tips on how to learn it fastest possible way I already got myself a book (Japanese for everyone), learned hiragana, katakana and few kanji. The other thing I do is that I try to write down and learn 5 words a week, just random words I take from dictionary. Is there possibly anything else I could do, beside moving to Japan? :-D

  • 6 Replies
572 posts

i dont speak Javanese, but my advice is speak in frequently, go over the old words u first learned, and if u have a Japanese friend, try conversing with him

5,340 posts

i tried that too (and gave up. not because its difficult, only because im lazy. maybe ill get back to it). anyway, why are you learning japanese? ill take a wild guess and say its because of anime/manga? in that case you shouldnt just practice writing but also listening.

the best thing about animes is that they usually put lyrics, romaji AND kanji/hiragana/katakana in the subtitles when a song is played and that helps alot. another thing, dont study it by using another language. if you will do that you will find yourself translating it to the other language and then translating back to japanese. you should aim to fluently understand it.

over all japanese isnt really a difficult language (and since you already learned hiragana and katakana you will probably agree). also, id suggest you learn kanji the way japanese children do. there are 80 kanjis children are supposed to know when they finish 2nd grade (and they arent too difficult either). the more basic kanjis also reapear in more complicated forms so knowing them is better then remembering the complicated ones so dont just take random kanjis. start with the ones they teach in 1st and 2nd grade.

408 posts

When learning languages its best to find a Japanese magazine about a hobby of yours, listen to some modern Japanese music or perhaps Japanese news. This is how many European countries learn English; they are surrounding by it. They listen to British and American music and films and video games are in English.
So maybe after you are familiar with the language watch a Japanese film or something.

11 posts

Well, anime and manga isn't really my thing ya know More like Akiro Kurosawas movies about samurai and stuff like that :-D
80 kanji you say? Thing is they are just soooo God **** complicated those kanji signs... One can be made out of 20 lines... :-/

Anyway the only anime (beside Dragon Ball :-D) I saw in my life was Mushishi and Mononoke Hime so I cant say I'm all that familiar with those. Any good suggestions about an anime/ manga that might be of any help. Something easy would appreciated but also some more serious stuff.

Unfortunately I don't have any Japanese speaking friends at the moment and/or I have absolutely no clue where to look for anyone who would be willing to help me with this language


Thanks for all the answers and help ya guys :-D

1,824 posts

Watch some Studio Ghibli films in Japanese. Try and pick out the words you know. I was learning Japanese, but now I must learn Swedish, as I live the the Norse King's land now.

1,356 posts

I can help u guys learn norwegian. I know that swedish, danish and norwegian are almost the same, but they have their own differences. Even though i am a really bad teacher, but i can teach you some good stuff in norwegian if you wanna talk norske. Masterforger.


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