This thread is about MrDayCee's profile, which is currently messed up. Usually, a messed up profile is caused by the underscore glitch, but here's how the profile is messed up:
What is Correct:
-The stats: The calculations are equivalent to the AP MrDayCee should have. -The about and info: MrDayCee's about is the way it was before the error. -Friends and favorites: These parts of the profile appear familiar. -Comments: MrDayCee's comments are still open.
What is Incorrect:
-The armatar: MrDayCee is being shown as having the shield with a red background instead of the fireball armatar, which is seasonal. -The AP: MrDayCee is being shown as having 0 AP even though the stats suggest over 24,000 AP (and the #6 spot on the leaderboard).
Now for the essential question:
Why is MrDayCee's profile messed up the way it is?
Yesterday, all of my stats disappeared (though my AP stayed intact) and my comments disabled themselves out of nowhere. I waited a couple hours and then I posted something and my stats returned as though they had never gone away.
It's just a bug, and it appears that that what he's experiencing is almost the reverse of what happened to me. His profile should return to normal when he posts something, or perhaps when he updates his AP in some other way.
It's not the underscore glitch, though, because the entire profile would not show the same about, stats and friends since it would be a completely different profile. This is most likely just one of those bugs that comes and goes without cause.
The underscore glitch is where a profile with underscores will sometimes be shown incorrectly since the URL is not underscore sensitive. For example, here are two links to your profile:
We've been updating how we cache some things on the website..which is causing some of these glitches you are seeing. Even though it shows he has 0 points, that is not true, which is the important part
Thanks for letting us know what is causing this glitch, and letting us know that you know about the glitch. Nice to know you guys are working on it. =D