It's their way of advertising. Hidden ads. I'm about ready to throw my computer out the window after losing almost 72 hours of gameplay by accidentally clicking the hidden advertisement. (Luckily my text wasn't removed after I clicked the hidden link again).
I already noticed and immediately reported this problem with the advertisement allignment to justin on thursday, but I haven't heard back from him yet.
The problem seems to lie with Internet Explorer somewhere, as I've come across this problem when visiting the forums at work, but at home where I use FireFox the problem does not exsist.
@ fries : If you want to avoid this problem, use FireFox instead, or... if you wish to continue working with IE, make sure you click in the left top corner of the message box when your cursor changes to the 'text symbol'. If you want to check what is going to happen, you can also see what the browser is going to do next in the left bottom corner as it's a tell-tale for the clickable action!
We definitely don't have "hidden ads" -- this kind of behavior is not acceptable and we need to know about it. User experience is extremely important for us. We want everyone to keep coming back to the site, so we aren't going to do something like this on purpose.
It seems to be an IE issue, from another thread about the same issue. I'll be looking into fixing this for IE.
I have to back up boppins on that there stinkyjim... I've been a member for 3 years now and they have never purposely placed any hidden advertisemtns anywhere on the website, ever!
Besides, what's the point in making people stay away from a website while making a dollar (example) whilst doing this? That would not make any sense at all...
I'll be looking into fixing this for IE.
I haven't been experiencing this since you took it down, so it is definitely related to both the add and IE. But I'm fixing the problem from my side as well and installed FireFox at work too, so I won't be having the problem again, at least... with IE that is! =P