Anonymous may have started in 4chan but most physically protest in the streets like myself.
Well, not very anonymous about it are you. Next time I see Anonymous protesting, I'll know one of them is you. And you will no longer be anonymous, because I'll know it's you and so will everyone else.
Well judging from your profile and about, you have listed tons of information which can used to easily track you down. You can't say it's fake, because I believe you had that before you even made this thread.
The joke was that most people associate anons/anonymous with hacking when in reality all they do is DDoS(not even close to hacking). What exactly are you protesting for anyway?
@rafterman Not all Anons are hackers. Anonymous may have started in 4chan but most physically protest in the streets like myself. (Just a correction)
Not really actually, most "Anons" sit there and argue with each other, bicker about what there actual goal is, or piggybacks and encourages other people to do the real stuff for them.
Will you know? You don't know who I am do you? You missed the point but nice try mister ;D
Actually, Ernie was right on the ball. Anonymous started on the Internet and is based on the Internet mainly through hacking and Wikileaks. The reason it is called "Anonymous" is because the internet offers a mask for the people where they can express their views without discrimination. Having any identity undermines Anonymous' main advantage, anonymity.
What exactly are you protesting for anyway?
Anonymous is an Internet group with only few things that they agree on. Which are mainly: Neautrality of the Internet Freedom of Information And that nobody can impose any laws about the Internet
Neautrality of the Internet Freedom of Information And that nobody can impose any laws about the Internet
And that Scientology needs to go down...don't forget that.
Anonymous started on the Internet and is based on the Internet mainly through hacking and Wikileaks
Wikileaks is not Anonymous. And for anyone confused, the hacking is not what Anonymous is based on/for...the hacking serves as a way to give a "message" of show that Anonymous has power and should not be messed with and should not be overlooked
Just going to throw this out there so everyone can get a better understanding...there are 2 types of Anonymous, basically there is Old Anonymous, and the New Anonymous
Old - Usually somewhat dormant until need be, gave people a cover so they can be their "true selves" or say whatever they pleased to say, lovers and defenders of cats, and comes off as serious..even when saying goofy things
New - Outspoken, prefers to be publicized (protesting and such), defenders of any major issue they side on (this may result in conflicts among fellow anons, though quite rarely), and comes off as goofy..even when saying serious things (not, when I say goofy, I don't mean a goofy as in "you shouldn't take them seriously"..I mean a goofy like The Joker kind of goofy)
Pangton nailed the coffin. Anonymous has turned into different things over the years :/ All of it for good. (in my opinion)
DDOS! LOL anyone can DDOS. The sad thing is, anyone can do anything in the name of Anonymous, so you have to really identify the real ones and who is a true anon.
Pangton nailed the coffin. Anonymous has turned into different things over the years :/ All of it for good. (in my opinion)
I'ma start with the name on this -_- I don't mean to sound like a stickler but please keep my name lowercase...also if you shorten it, just put pang.
Now to the change, I do think that the change to become more outspoken about certain issues is a good change, however I am not a huge fan at all the appearances. Before there seemed to be a sort of shadow over anonymous, you never knew when they'd strike or what would cause them to go off, and that added an element of fear about them. Now Anonymous is involved in every issue, so it takes that element of fear out.
so you have to really identify the real ones and who is a true anon.
Rules 3 & 4 of the internet...
Rule 3. We are Anonymous. Rule 4. Anonymous is legion.
Now Anonymous is involved in every issue, so it takes that element of fear out.
I would argue the exact opposite. Anonymous is divided in supporting and being involved in every issue. If most of them got together on one thing, who knows what they would be capable of.
Anonymous is divided in supporting and being involved in every issue. If most of them got together on one thing, who knows what they would be capable of
That's what happened with the old Anonymous. They were mostly dormant, but when an issue came about that they felt they needed to step in on, that issue face all of Anonymous. The link in my post describing the differences of old Anonymous and new Anonymous had a link that showed what Anonymous could do when working together.
Also, there is the wonderful example of Anonymous vs. Scientology
Also, there is the wonderful example of Anonymous vs. Scientology
Scientology still exists, so they better start doing something..
Is there a "true" Anon anyway? All I hear "them" doing is calling hackers to aid against some thing or another. Tell me they're not just a bunch of teenies/young adults showing off.
Scientology still exists, so they better start doing something..
Though Scientology is still around, for Anonymous to do what they did and get the response they did for Operation Chanology, that is quite amazing (in my opinion)
Is there a "true" Anon anyway? All I hear "them" doing is calling hackers to aid against some thing or another. Tell me they're not just a bunch of teenies/young adults showing off.
Don't worry...there is a True Anonymous. Refer back to rules 3 and 4 that I posted...
Rule 3. We are Anonymous. Rule 4. Anonymous is legion.
Anonymous is not a select group of people on the internet, it is everyone on the internet. (hence the WE are Anonymous).
There are 3 types of people when it comes to Anonymous, those that denounce being apart of it (and thus don't associate themselves with Anonymous), those that accept their Anonymous status, and those that are unaware of Anonymous (despite not knowing, they are still apart, because, as stated with rule 3, We are Anonymous)