Who else loves this song I listen to it like 5 times a dayGangnam Style
@JuiceyBoxLol I'm half with you but let me come over to your house and enjoy it too
Well he says gangnam style in English also ^^
Lol I'm half with you but let me come over to your house and enjoy it too
Gangnam Style most viewed youtube video !
Thank goodness Baby isn't anymore.
Lol I'm half with you but let me come over to your house and enjoy it too Come on. I wouldn't want to eat all of it .
We did it guys! We passed baby in views! TO A BILLION! xD
@vinsterOh... I just thought xP@juiceyboxUmmm... I can't exactly come over... I live in California. The furthest away from Wnglanf as you can get in the lower 48 lol...
The song is bad man
It's OK. I know that the song is about mocking some people in Korea. Why PSY has the "Hey! Sexy ladies!" part is up to interpretation though.
This song is so weird.It's even weirder when I understand the song...
i actually like it hahaha
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