I have noticed something... odd, to say the least. While I mean no offense to anyone, it seems that the glory days of armor games are gone. There is just no good games coming out anymore. I have played on this site for a while and deeply enjoyed it. Not anymore. I know the opinion of one guy won't mean much but... good games need to go full blast on this website.
The glory days of ArmorGames (if you're talking about 2009/2010) are indeed gone in terms of Forum activity and overall website activity, but they are actually working hard on getting all the good games here on ArmorGames lately! =)
Tasselfoot has made a thread called What Games Do You Want To See On ArmorGames?, so if there are some games you think rock and should really REALLY be hosted here on ArmorGames, then you should suggest them in this thread and Tass will have a look at it! Ok?
AG stocks quite a few of the better games on the web; the devs here make some of the best games available (Thanks John). If the quality goes down, it's my hunch that it's endemic on the web since most games are submitted by external devs.
It shouldn't neccessarily be a downward spiral with the game quality, as it has shown to be a level that is constantly going up and down over time. There are times which have lesser quality games and times that have a LOT of good quality games; all depends on when a developer has finished his/her game and decides to launch it!
I just haven't seen any good games LATELY. There are many good games on this site, don't get me wrong, but there has just been no games that have come out recently that really appeal to me.
Well, it's like you said 'thisisyourgrandaddy'... it depends on what games you like personally of course! Could very well be that the games you don't like, are loved by other gamers out there...
Actually... it could take quite some time before Sonny 3 is going to come out sasha6890, as it's dev Krin is currently battling cancer and works on the game irradically. We all hope he can win the fight of course, but the development has been slowed a lot and the launch postponed several times already, so... =/
But I have to agree on the fact that AG will have a renewed period of glory, yes! It might have been a slow time up till now (tell me about it), but things will pick up and get AG back in the saddle again! =D
It's not the site really, it's the game creators who use it. But I agree, people have no originality anymore.
I really have to disagree there EPyro666... there are still several new games that are recently launched which have a high enough quality, or at least with a decent enough quality.