I would want to meet DayCee of course. He and I seem to be some of the biggest music lovers on the site (when I'm actually on, of course), and really, he's the guy I talk to the most on the site via messages.
for me.... humph i don't know really ernie, pangtongshu, mostmanlyman, 70_70_70 and finally R2D21999
*gasp* Someone...someone picked me =O I didn't think I was worthy of such an honor...thank you! haha
Wish we could actualy arrenge it. Ill like to small talk with most of you face to face.
That'd be amazing to get at least a good size of the forum population together...though I feel like we would all still talk like we are in a forum (going on at a time, commenting about if we were ninja'd, maybe some awkward silences every now and then from no one having anything to contribute about a certain topic, then one person beginning to spam the talking)