No one was happy in the age wher ginges lived. most were poor peasent who died at the age of 30, lived in mud, ate mud and dranke mud. no happines there.
the other few were nobility. the one who served ginges were maybe happy, and his own clansman were happy, because of morale. but the other nation nobility, for exmple turkministan, were dead. or throwen to the street as there lands were taken. no happines here too.
So who was happy? mongolia? most of them stayed poor farmers. The only happy peoples were the drunk, and happy for some momment, and ginges party, friends and family, and his loyal nobility.
Maybe the citizens of his favorite city lived a bit better, like in samarkand, but the poor peoples of baggdad didnt. they got slaughtered. same in some places in China.
spying, treason, desertion, theft, and adultery, and persistent bankruptcy in the case of merchants were all punishable by execution.
. better that USA laws.
Dont get me wrong, his system was quite good, Ginges laws were quite strict, but yet fair, as not based on religion or ethnicity, like most of the world at the time.
So, my summary - no one was 'happy' in medieval, exept the very rich and the nobility, which often were the same.
And back to the topic - Goddammet forget i ever entered into it...
I shouled have said alien invasion or something... no one care about evil aliens {Not that i say they all are!}...