ForumsSupport ForumHow Games Wind Up On Armor

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857 posts

Hi! Edit from 2018. If you are a developer and are interested in getting your game onto Armor Games, please check out the up-to-date information here and make sure to email Thanks!

I was reading this thread and thought you guys might be interested in knowing how games are added to the site.

There are 4 ways we get games:

1. We develop them in-house. These are the games made by John, Joey, Tony, and a few others. They are employees of Armor. These games will have the Armor splash screen on other websites.

2. We sponsor them. These are games that are developed by anyone who isn't an Armor employee. The vast majority of these games are procured either by a developer emailing us directly to look at their game or from These games will have the Armor splash screen on other websites.

3. We buy a non-exclusive license (aka, sitelock). These are games that are sponsored by another website... but we want a version that has our branding in it for our site. These games have the Armor splash screen on AG, but another website's splash screen on sites like Kongregate or Newgrounds.

4. We add a game, either from taking it off another site or from the developer submitting it to us. This is rare, but can be done if the sponsorship terms won't allow us to buy a sitelock. Or if we don't want to wait out an exclusive period. Knightmare Tower is an example of this. These games will have some other site's splash screen in it.

Once we agree to terms with a developer, we have a series of steps they need to take to get a game ready for release on AG. These include adding our branding and links, setting up our API if needed, getting a walkthrough ready if needed, filling out a tax form, and some other stuff. This process can take anywhere from a few hours or many days.

After a developer has prepared our version, we go through and quality control it. We make sure the links go where we want them to, that all of the logos are ours, and that there are no obvious bugs.

Finally, we get the developer to upload the game to AG. Only then do we make the game live on the site and send out payment.

It's a long process with a lot of emails exchanged for each game. But, in the end, it's worth it so that we get the best games out to all of you.


  • 14 Replies
1,361 posts

Which are the games that you put on the Popular Games list? Besides being admin-generated, how do you acquire the games like Strike Force Heroes that you put on that list and what makes you decide to put them there?

857 posts

Games that wind up there need to meet 2 criteria:

1. They need to be in-house developed or sponsored by us.
2. They need to be regarded as really, really good by you! Both in terms of plays and rating.

Beyond that, it's subjective.

14,745 posts

Beyond that, it's subjective.

Subjective as in... what games you (the staff) think are reasonable or good enough to stay up there? Or does this subjectivity mean that games developed by game dev's you have good relations with or personal friends get a benefit from that?

To be clear: I'm not trying to debunk or dislike your reasoning, it's merely out of curiousity!
393 posts

@Tass: ty very much, this thread is quite helpful for me
and hope u dun mind when I call u Tass instead of Tasselfoot lah ^^

393 posts

actually, i played some horrible games from AG, and here is the link to the its author- Mif2000

I dun hate him, but his games r just like an insult to gamer +_+ (and i just mimic that comment from someone else when i check the comments in these games.....)

So I wanna ask: Can a game be removed from AG if its quality r tooooo bad, like the 3 games i just mentioned? Or when a game landed on AG, it ll be here forever?

393 posts

and Tass said: "These include adding our branding and links, setting up our API if needed"
Can any1 tell me what is the meaning of API???

393 posts

@Tass: I played a really nice game from Armor Games- Sand of the Coliseum, but actually the developer was Berzerk studio..... so did that game belong to the way no.4 - add a game, either from taking it off another site or from the developer submitting it , like Knightmare Tower?

393 posts

and i hope u guys dun mind when see so many post in row, coz i m quite busy reply my friends and post in forum at the same time, so sometimes all the ideas cannot come to me at once, and i need to post it immediately when i have some ideas lah
Therefore, plz dun ask me to think carefully b4 saying or posting anything coz it is just my way of expressing my ideas fast lah XD

857 posts

DayCee: I really don't have an answer to that. Such a small percentage of our games wind up there. Pretty much, if it gets a 9.3 or higher rating... there's a good chance it'll get on there. Slightly lower if it's an in-house developed game.

70: I don't need to ask you to stop posting so many times in a row... I'm telling you. Please stop doing it. Take a deep breath, calm down, think about your ideas, and when you're ready... press Submit.

No, we don't delete games we add... but we also don't hit a home run with every game. Google the term API if you're unfamiliar with it. And Sands of the Coliseum falls under #3, it's just a bit unique because it has microtransactions in it.

14,745 posts

@ Tass : I know what you mean and frankly, the games in the 'Popular Games' section don't change very often, so that's clear. I was merely wondering about it, so thanx for clearing that up! =)

393 posts

@MrDayCee: when i think about the popular games, I saw that they all have very high rating, usually above 8, so i guess all the top ones of a specific genre will be taken to the popular game
And the reason the popular games are not be changed too often coz the old games still have higher rating than the new ones- JUST MY GUESS, BUT I THINK IT IS QUITE LOGIC LAH XD
@Tass: ok, I ll try to think carefully, but it s quite hard for me to post one comment coz i usually need to switch between forum and friend's profile, so maybe I ll limit from 5 post in a row to 3 in a row 1st, then I ll try 2 in a row, then just 1 loooooong comment to reply all u guys at once lah (but i think 1 comment in a row is quite impossible for me lah XD)

393 posts

@Tass: and i just notice that, u used the word "wind up", when i read this thread title i thought about the game will be removed from AG- bcoz wind up mean finished right?
But when i read the post i understood that u mean arrive, so y dun u use landed or arrived on AG?
I dun mean any offense to u and ur grammar, but just that 2 word- wind up and landed/arrived have opposite meaning so maybe others will misunderstand the meaning of this thread like me lah +_+

14,745 posts

so i guess all the top ones of a specific genre will be taken to the popular game

It's not specific for a genre to have them posted in the 'Popular Games' list, it's mostly due to the fact that some games from the same genre are popular by chance... besides that, the games are not all from the same genre anyways.
"GemCraft Labyrinth" and "Kingdom Rush" are from the Strategy Games category;
"Raze 2" and "Strike Force Heroes" are from the Shooting Games category;
"Infectonator 2" is from the Action Games category and
"The Last Stand - Dead Zone" is a MMO game.
So this easily prooves that there's a difference in genres in the 'Popular Games' list.

wind up mean finished right?

It's not important what term they (want to) use, as long as it's understandable.
Actually "wind up" means something different... it is the 'end or conclusion of something' (Wiki) meaning it 'ends up' at a certain point or into a certain position, in this case... games being uploaded onto the ArmorGames website.
393 posts

@MrDayCee: Tks for ur lesson about Wind-up XD
and FYI, i DO know that different categories have different popular games lah XD
And when i see the popular games of ALL TYPE- from shooting, action, strategy to puzzle, misc, etc. and saw that some game which has very low rate still on popular, but there is actually a reasonable explanation to it- the amount of AG users played it is much more than other high rating but less amount ppl played.....
And when i see some games which have low rating and also low amount played- i guess it belongs to the home made games of AG lah- Tass mentioned about it alr rite? XD

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