ForumsProgramming ForumQuestion about Internet

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143 posts

I browsed the net a little bit and could not find the answer to this question:

Is it possible to have your own sort of "internet" where only certain people can go onto a server or something of that sort. Is there something similar to my question? Please point me in the right direction.



  • 12 Replies
4,170 posts

The easiest thing to do would be to just set up IIS. Every Microsoft computer has it. Go to Control Panel > Programs and Features > Turn features on or off (Left side of your window) > Internet Information Services. If you have an old computer, it'll say PWS instead of IIS. If you have a Mac, you're screwed, sorry. This will enable servers within your computer and network. I did it while learning ASP, which is virtually a dead language now (lol). From there on you can set up an Intranet network and, if you know how to code anything at all, code pages through notepad and save them as an .html file.

That's a rough way to do it, but you can literally do anything, like sharing files, creating your ow web pages for use between your computers, and if you're really advanced you can view any computer in your house, as long as it's connected to the internet. If you want, you can even stream music to video game consoles.

To physically connect your computers together, you'll need to connect them to the network wirelessly as long as you have the ability to connect to wifi. Instead of connecting to the wifi internet, connect to your network, which should be listed right by your internet. If you need to do it with wires, I'm pretty sure Ethernet cables work fine. You'll need one of those splitty-things.

Other than that, jeol pretty much covered everything else.

143 posts

Any links to detailed instructions? I appreciate all this help by the way. The only reason I would want this is so me and some friends can connect to our own network and do anything you could do (file sharing, IM, etc.)

143 posts

Well, I guess I forget to mention I know Funny thing is I thought to myself to start java script which I just started and then from there I will learn PHP and mySQL

4,170 posts

I'd learn PHP first. Javascript is more for each individual page, but PHP is more for networks and servers. Besides, if you do something like add a chatbox in through Javascript, your friend won't be able to access it if it isn't connected to a network. PHP allows you to connect pages to networks through code, which is phenomenally useful in further network and server building. After all, you wanted to set up your own "internet," and PHP is an awesome tool to do it with.

Notepad ++ is awesome. If you want to build stuff from scratch, go with it. jeol is right there.

W3Schools isn't bad for HTML, as HTML is for beginning beginners, but it isn't great for CSS. It gives you the jist on how it works, but you'll never get to do anything with it that you couldn't already do with HTML. Then again, there are a lot of websites out there that don't do a justice for what CSS can do.

143 posts

I went on W3schools (that's where I learned HTML) and in the introduction it suggested that I learn Javascript and HTML before starting should I completely ignore that suggestion? Would Javascript make it easier to learn PHP?

767 posts

Any links to detailed instructions? I appreciate all this help by the way. The only reason I would want this is so me and some friends can connect to our own network and do anything you could do (file sharing, IM, etc.)

Judging from only this quote, instead of setting up a detailed server you could take the shortcut and use a program like Team Viewer for file sharing, IM/chat, and even controlling the other person's computer. (With their approval of course).

If that is not the way you want to do it then follow Salvidian's and Jeol's advices.
143 posts

TV is an amazing tool, but this would be a personal project that I want to create for my personal friends. I guess it would work just like TV! Thanks for the suggestion!

143 posts

Thanks! I will really look into this!

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