ForumsThe TavernAccuse, "Rescue" and Act as victim (The Drama triangle)

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So while wondering across the internet I found this article. Now that's a pretty long article and I just skimmed it but it showed me something that made me thing for a while.
(The drama triangle)

In the article it talks about how these three actions are most common in our world and it is our way of stopping us from feeling emotions we don't want to think about.

"Rescuer": Usually anyone that does this assumes that they must rescue the victim, even if they end up doing little, they get great satisfaction from "Rescuing" someone dramatically. (Donation organisations tap into this)

Act as victim: Just someone who acts as a victim instead of being realistic. "Oh poor me, I've done nothing, it's all them."

Accuse: Instead of getting called out, become the accuser and make sure no one suspects you of doing something.

That's pretty much a quick skim of what (I thought) it meant. Now I'm not sure if some of this is a little bit of BS. But now that I think about it, it did make a lot of sense. If you think of any children's story to read you can actually see that there is (In a basic form) this triangle. There is the accuser, the rescuer and the victim. Maybe it's just me, but has anyone ever thought about this. (Or maybe it's just common knowledge)

Oh yes, and the green triangle is the right way to go.


  • 3 Replies
5,952 posts

Is see this a lot. I mean in real life, not in stories. I dont look for it in stories. In real life, its a pain. But thats actually pretty accurate description of what happens.

1,666 posts

oh yes, and the green triangle is the right way to go

wow. thats sad. i will acuse like 50% of today's population and blame others for my mistakes. lol.

Is see this a lot. I mean in real life, not in stories.

if you dont see that in stories, here is your problem:
1: you cant see
2: you cant read
3: you dont understand
4: your really not paying attention
lol. i'm jk.

5,952 posts

Mainly its me not specifically looking for it. I don't watch drama either. I prefer to watch stuff blow up.

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