ForumsGamesWhat happened to Con Artist Games?

12 15407
42 posts

Where the hell did conartist go they made some of the greatest game on Armor Games like 1944 and the last stand and so many more that are just fantastic ive seen there new online game im not really impressed by it and there new games are all right first time through but im tired of all the online crap being posted ive tried playing some of them and seriously im not gonna waste what little free time i get away from school on games that require days of actual play time to get good at if its not good WOW is a good example of a great online game but most of the gamres posted on armor games recently are terrible or just MMO or RPG's not worth looking at and these puzzle games are worthless to me compared to 1944 and what im asking is that armor games takes the time to test its games and make sure there good and ask con artist to make something good again.

  • 12 Replies
2,765 posts

Where the hell did Conartist go? He made some of the greatest games on AG like warfare 1944 and 1917 and the last stand series. However, I just saw his newest game and I'm not impressed. His new games are all right the first time through, but they need improvement. He also just posted an MMO and I'm tired of all the MMO crap being posted. I've tried playing the MMOs and I seriously think they are a waste of time. AG think they've made a WOW but the games aren't that good. WOW is an example of a great online game, but recently, the games posted on AG are terrible or just another MMO game. And the non MMO games being posted are terrible too, they're even some really bad puzzle game or a stupid action game and they don't compare to warfare 1944.

Basically what I'm asking, is that AG takes the time to test it's games and make sure they are good. The other thing I want is for them to ask con artist to make something good again.

Hey T_Slice, I see you kind of think conartist games is a group of people. Well, actually, con is just one person. I understand you may be disappointed by his newest MMO but maybe you should have a look at other games by him. It is clear that you probably haven't played warfare 1917 yet (Because you didn't mention it) and if you enjoyed warfare 1944 I'm sure you'll find it awesome.

As with the MMO problem, most of them are quite good. I understand that you don't like MMOs and that's why you think the games are bad. But you'll find they are actually quite well designed.

Lastly, you want con to make another game. Sadly, I think that's out of the question for the next year or so. It takes a long time to make a game and after just finishing one game, con isn't going to make one for a bit.

Oh, and if you don't like MMOs you can always not look in that section. The MMO games were made before they came to AG and it isn't making any employee (Apart from the people checking the games) waste time.

I'm sure a good game will pop up soon but until then play some of con artist's other games.

Warfare 1917

Con's games

Oh and by the way, dead zone is awesome.

143 posts

Way to bash on the dead zone T_slice! I think you need to open your horizons and play other games similar to games that con makes...for example "Relics of War" is similar. If all you are looking for is games like such then you will have a hard time on this site...

To clear this up, AG picks only the best games out there to be put on the site. If you want quality, you come here. Just a little FYI.

143 posts

Oh! and yes...Dead Zone is amazing and yes, it takes dedication to play. Don't bash it Mr.!

38 posts

I love Dead Zone! Con Artist is working on updates now.

63 posts

Dead Zones pretty good but i prefer the original, and union city was really good, It was bit silly the way Dead Zone was on Facebook before AG though.

42 posts

I've played all of con artist games before and have you noticed that Armor Games hasn't really posted a great game in a while i mean there good for a while but do you enjoy coming back and playing them over and over no and some of the games i cant even finish because im not entertained and also even if you think dead Zone is awesome its not its actually quite repedative and everything done in the game has been done before. Look and award winning MMO's what do you see... a lot of the same thing they are all the same you either have to pay for a quality MMO or rote in the filth of free MMO's and if you have never payed and played an MMO your opinions count for nothing.

4 posts

I am, quite frankly, disappointed yet happy. I am disappointed because con artist has went the way of the pay to win MMO. I really hope he uses the same game mechanics to create a story driven single player strategy like I thought during the early stages of dead zones development, before the fact it was an MMO was announced (MMOs get quite boring after a while in my opinion since I am a teen without a job and cant afford to pay £60 in order to stay in the game. I also don't have the time with studying taking up my time).
Bit I am also happy con artist has found a claim to fame. Flash devs can get paid almost nothing is they don't get a sponsor. An when they do they still don't get paid much. If this is his 'last' game since he is busy updating dead zone in order to have a decent income, so be it. He can do what he want,

50 posts


14,745 posts

You should send @ConArtists an email @mrdeath9700. That's the best way for him to see your request as he rarely visits Armor Games' Forums...

50 posts

Does he look at his profile, i sent him a message there

206 posts

What happened is that the Union City franchise is the only thing making Conartist serious money.

18,319 posts

The majority of developers here don't look on their messengers and if they do, they probably won't respond.

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