When I try to play Warfare 1917 or 1945, I get the following message in lieu of the game:
"Warfare: 1917 (or 1945 in that case) is not available here. Perhaps try playing at armorgames.com"
The thing is... I'm playing at and logged into armor games! This has been happening for the past couple of weeks. I'm trying to play from Beijing, could that be the problem somehow?
Update: this problem is persisting for other Con Artists games, but not all of them (thusfar: Last Stand Union City and Last Stand 2 don't work, same problem, but Last Stand 1 loads normally). So far I've had no problem with games that aren't from Con Artists, so maybe it's a problem specifically with hosting his (really friggin amazing) games?
I'll keep trying his games to see which ones continue to bring up this problem for me.
Do you have your cookies enabled and enable them to be saved, not deleted after 'x' days?[/quote]
They're set to stay, although I recently wiped most of my cookies and such. Could that be affecting it?
And thanks, Unleashed, I'll email Justin and see if he can help. It's not a day-ruiner, but Con Artists IS probably my favorite game developer on AG, so it'd be nice to be able to shoot some zombies and/or Nazis again :-)
Having wipes your cookies could be affecting it, but you should try to email justin and see if he can tell you exactly what is going wrong.
And I agree, ConArtist is one of my favorite dev's as well. He makes awesome games, so I can complete understand why you're dying to get a'shootin' again!