every time I want to pay via sms to get dragon coins, I get this error:
Es gab ein Problem.
Leider ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte wenden Sie sich an support.de@zong.com
I allready contacted the payment-service-support-thing... they told me it was allready known there is a problem with that option... and I let them be... after 2 weeks, it was still the same, so I asked them again.. they told me it was known and it will be worked on... so 2 weeks later it didn't change again... now, another 4 weeks later I'm somewhat pissed it doesn't work and I post it here (dunno if there allready is a topic on that...) so it finaly wil get fixed -.-
I haven't personally seen a topic about this posted here, but I think nobody from the AG staff can help you with this vanjiali... it's probably (most certainly) a matter for the game devlopers as AG only hosts the game here on their website... =/
I don't think it will be of any help in the end, but what you could do is email justin (AG admin) about it and explain the problem. He is the one handling game problems overall, but like I said... it's a hosted game and therefor not controled by AG.
We have absolutely zero control over that. Sorry man.
In fact, even 5thPlanetGames (makers of Clash) have no control over that.
You've already contacted Zong, the SMS Payment provider... and they've told you that it's known and will eventually be fixed. That's about the best you're going to get.
My advice: keep trying. sooner or later it'll work.