The purpose of this thread was to see if anyone could establish a valid argument whose conclusion was that God exists, not to see if anyone had evidence for God's existence.
That's the same thing. A valid argument is an argument which can be backed up. Aka, evidence. It's not a valid argument to make a groundless claim.
The crystal skull argument is more interesting
And just as invalid, considering there are no crystal skulls.
The elements of design and order we see all around us are more than likely caused/explained by a number of things other than a creator
This is the kicker for the cosmological argument. People arguing for a god just assert that it was caused by a god. There is no backing.
Not if the idea is based on that the very natural things was created by it.
Doesn't matter. If it exists outside of those laws, we have no way to ever find it. Claiming that because we can't find it and must have faith to believe it is there is sheer gullibility.
If no one can disprove it either, then there is also a reason to believe it.
You can't prove I'm not a unicorn which transformed. Absurd, no? Simply not being able to disprove something is a foolhardy reason to believe that it exists.
I say I believe in god, but I never mention what kind of god I believe, so you cant assume I believe in a god you described.
No, you didn't. It's a fairly universal trait however that a god (unless you're a deist) gives commands on what it does and does not want. Which dictates how you live.
If I cant prove them wrong, then I just judge. I don't assume they all wrong because no evidence was delivered, since the claims was something that couldn't be disproved nor proven.
You did no such thing. You directly said one was false, and then tried to explain or discuss the others. If you were applying the same logic to those as you do a god, you should rightly believe -everything- you have never heard disproved. Including my random statements.
I think it would be directly rude if I tried to convince them not to believe in them.
Fair enough, but what if they then tell you you can't do something because ajhfahsf said that it is evil? Further, what if ajhfahsf told them that they need to do certain, harmful things to themselves and their children to show their faith?
You don't need to accept them, you can just know them. This way you can be sure that knowledge don't disappear.
There's a large difference between knowing and believing. I know more about Christianity than most Christians, and I don't believe in it.
And in many cases atheist are trying convince people who believe in god, which means atheists have to disprove god
You've got this backwards. Realistically, probably 95% of every argument about a god's existence has been started because someone who believed in a god wanted those who didn't to follow and obey their god. The other 5% are a mixture of people who feel the need to go out and try to get rid of ignorance, people who just are speaking philosophically, and those who just get into a casual talk about it.
exactly, which means there is no need for a debate or a discussion in that subject.
There is though, because people who believe in gods try to enforce their god's will. A great many of the world's problems can be attributed to three things: Greed, Selfishness, and Ignorance. Religion, especially radical religion, falls into the ignorance category.