Please write your posts in English only mgozonta... this is an English website and this way, nobody is able to help you with your problem, ok?
If you're having problems validating your signup email link, try contacting justin about it via email: He will respond within 24-48 hours on weekdays and can help you solve this problem! =)
Portuguese and Spanish are very similar. Let's see what I can do.
*Cracks fingers*
He needs his validation key fixed. He got the email with it, and he needs to know how to valid it, because he's getting some error message when he clicks it.
Envie um e-mail de Justin. Ele vai responder o mais ráido que puder. Se você quiser ajudar, deixe uma mensagem no meu perfil. Lembre-se que os posts do fórum deve b feitas em Inglês!