ForumsForum GamesThe Superhuman: The Revenge Of Azure

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In the year of time and peace, everyone was living in harmony. In fact, the world became one, with no countries anywhere. Previously, there was a war. A war between Earth and another unknown planet named Jorge. The war lasted for a millennium but no sides won. The leader of Earth, Gerth, fought with passion. Jorge was losing but Gerth had a truce to stop all of this and convinced them that the war was useless.
Now, in 3050, the technology and development for both planets were growing at a fast pace. Both of them were living together, transporting equipment for one another and visitors traveling to each of them. But no one had super powers like before anymore.
And they had even mined asteroids for fuel and ships travel further and further away from the galaxy to search for more.
One day, a miner came across a floating purple crystal. He boosted towards it and took an inspecting machine and scanned it. The machine said it was unknown. The miner took his chances and took out his mining tool, a laser cutter and touched it with the cutter.
The purple crystal exploded and purple light incinerated the miner. The light was so intense, it reached throughout The Milky Way. Every living being was shrouded in the light. The light contained mutated cells that entered all sorts of people from politicians to madmen. Plus, the light is constantly dispersing, being it unable for any living being to be uninfected. The mutated cells also opened portals at random distances and places. Some appeared in oceans and on buildings taller than Burj Khalifa. The portals lead to dangerous dungeons but have the key core to making the mutated cells stronger, supporting both the human bodies and brain.
The purple crystal was made by the remains of Azure, a goddess. She was destroyed by Gerth himself, since he found that Azure was causing the war.
When the crystal exploded, a voice booms throughout The Milky Way.
Earth and Jorge were in ruins. The portals sucked in anything that surrounded them, especially the oceans. They were what made Jorge and Earth chaotic planets.
Luckily, you did not stand near those portals.
Enemies of all kinds, monsters and humans alike, target those with little power and you have to survive or even stop the light from dispersing through a secret way.

For TL;DR people:
A miner came across a purple crystal and tried to gather its resources but got killed. The crystal exploded and light dispersed throughout The Milky Way. The light mutated every living being to gain super powers. You have to survive or stop the light from dispersing using a secret way. Challenge comes your way.

Character Sheet:

Name: (Any name you might think of)
Gender: Male/Female
Age: (Whichever above 18)
Super Power: (Not too overpowered)
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 100/100

BTW, please quote my previous reply so that I know what is going on, especially if you didn't reply a long time ago. I will also quote and if I don't, you have my apologies in advance.

When fighting, please state exactly what you are doing, not like simply attacking, but the way you attack.


  • 1,815 Replies
4,710 posts

sorry for the double post but i forgot that i growed the extra-eyes on my head (two on the back of my head and one eye on each sides of my head).

2,300 posts

Name: Viet Anh
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Pyromaster
Level: 8
XP: 15/55
HP: 160/160
Hunger: 35/100
NP: 6/100
Fire Melee Form
Jaysee; Lightning Manipulation; HP: 150/150

Ummm, I guess I will make a fire wall around me which I make as intense as impossible then we go through the 10 rats and aim for the big one, Jaysee and I create a very sharp bolts infused with fire to shoot at the rats body, then both of us will go inside and destroy from the inside out by shooting fire/electricity like maniacs.

You make a fire wall surrounding you and Jaysee, leaving the minions to be diminished. You run through the 10 rats, successfully burning each as you go by. Though, no XP nor NP.

You turn around and shoot sharp bolts of fire and lightning, fusing power with teamwork. The giant rat defended itself with more lasers.


Name: Xas
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Super Power: Earth Manipulation
Level: 7
XP: 14/50
HP: 45/135
Hunger: 92/100
NP: 7/100
Earth Golem Form
Amy; Matter Manipulation; HP: 130/130

I protect myself with a ball of earth surrounding me, then while still in the ball I make it grow spikes and charge at him.

You protect yourself with a ball of earth surrounding yourself. Then make it grow spikes and roll it towards Felix. But he uses the charged lightning and breaks your earth sphere. He uses his other hand and shot lightning at your chest.

-(30 HP)

Amy stopped crying, finally. She's available to be commanded. And! Felix is charging his lightning barrages again.


Name: Shadow
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Shape shifting
Level: 3
XP: 15/30
HP: 80/80
Hunger: 77/100
NP: 3/100
Raven, Wolf, Knight Of Titanium

I change into my raven form, fly up and try to get an area view.

You change into your raven form and fly up. It's just a building. Outside the building is the void. The purple crystal is located at the roof of the building, but there's a protective barrier outside the building. So, the only way is inside. Two guards are defending the entrance.


Name: Trapo Shinstick
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Super Power: Bone manipulation
Level: 1
XP: 11/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 97/100

(That's a good thing,right?)

Like replying very long posts? It's very detailed, which is recommended in this RPG.

I try to land in the top on the nearest building,and try to making short spiky bones.I try and locate him and shoot him with one hand,and swing around the city with the other.If he does a ranged attack,I shoot the projectile.Once he seems to be weakened I land in the ground and wait for him to land,while sending bones around the ground.Once he lands I make the bones near where he landed appear from under the ground and turn into spikes while facing him.(Assuming I can control bones un-attached to my body.)

Aah. Your plan worked. He died.

(5 XP)

You see a purple feather, floating in the air. Then suddenly, it crashes through the ground and causes a portal that sucks you in. You get off the dirt of this world. An electrical crow shot a lightning bolt at you.


Name: Ghalaghor
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Shape-Shifting
Level: 8
XP: 18/55
HP: 225/225
Hunger: 56/100
NP: 0/100
Tom; Metal Manipulation; HP: 165/165
Whale meat, Med-kits

i thought if i lower the temperature of the lava then it would turn into stone. the same happens when lava falls into water, right?

But this man is constantly supplying lava. Rock will still be transformed into lava.

i can not fly? but before i attacked them both i shifted into a dragon-human hybrid with an acid/poison spitting mouth on a tail, wings on my back and two uvulas so i can breath fire and ice. i just added the diafram-skin nd the blade-arms. and let us not forget the extra eyes (two on my back and one on each of my sides so i have now six eyes).

anyway, if i did forget to shift into a dragon-human hybrid with alll the things above (but with six wings so i can fly faster).

i chase him and try to attack him with my blade arms. if he is still faster than me or if he dodges my attacks then i will try to get some paralyzing poison in his eyes so i can kill him.

if that plan does not kill him then i have to use my energy form. i use the electrons of his lava to create an energy bomb that will kill him. and if that will not work then i try to attack him with a concentrated, dense and piercing laser beam to cut his head of.

Aah. The plan with your Energy form works. He dies just like that.

(5 XP)
-(10 NP)

Let's get on. A portal opened up in front of you and you get sucked in. You get up and realize you're in the middle of a war between earth manipulators and lightning manipulators. The crystal, though, is nowhere to be found, for now.
18,319 posts

Name: Xas
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Super Power: Earth Manipulation
Level: 7
XP: 14/50
HP: 45/135
Hunger: 92/100
NP: 7/100
Earth Golem Form
Amy; Matter Manipulation; HP: 130/130

Alright now to finally hit him. Amy turns her arms to long iron rods and puts her arms in the barrage and absorbs the electricity from it then I make another sword and get ready to stab him.

4,710 posts

Name: Ghalaghor
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Shape-Shifting
Level: 8
XP: 18/55
HP: 225/225
Hunger: 56/100
NP: 0/100
Tom; Metal Manipulation; HP: 165/165
Whale meat, Med-kits

But this man is constantly supplying lava. Rock will still be transformed into lava.

oh, then you are right.

Aah. The plan with your Energy form works. He dies just like that.

(5 XP)
-(10 NP)

Let's get on. A portal opened up in front of you and you get sucked in. You get up and realize you're in the middle of a war between earth manipulators and lightning manipulators. The crystal, though, is nowhere to be found, for now.

before i kill or attack anyone or anything, i try to find out why they are fighting. maybe i can find a way to create peace without using any violence.
2,463 posts

Name: Shadow
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Shape shifting
Level: 3
XP: 15/30
HP: 80/80
Hunger: 77/100
NP: 3/100
Raven, Wolf, Knight Of Titanium

You change into your raven form and fly up. It's just a building. Outside the building is the void. The purple crystal is located at the roof of the building, but there's a protective barrier outside the building. So, the only way is inside. Two guards are defending the entrance.

I land in the bush again and change into my wolf form, and I walk out of the bush. I don't go straight for the guards yet, I walk to the left of them.
233 posts

Name: Trapo Shinstick
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Super Power: Bone manipulation
Level: 1
XP: 11/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 97/100
I try to block it by opening my hands and creating a disc of bone to block the shot,and bones cannot conduct electricity.then I fire many small pointy bones at the crow,blocking any electric bolts that it shoots at me with the disc.Once it's dead I look around the world,and walk in the safest direction.

1,447 posts

Name: Viet Anh
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Pyromaster
Level: 8
XP: 15/55
HP: 160/160
Hunger: 35/100
NP: 6/100
Fire Melee Form
Jaysee; Lightning Manipulation; HP: 150/150

I summon more minions to surround the rat while Jaysee summons electric monsters to merge with mine, then they will shoot sharp lightning bolts.

3,028 posts

Name: Lockus
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Super Power: Ion Manipulation
Level: 6
XP: 8/45
HP: 95/135
Hunger: 60/100
NP: 1/100
Ion Form
Hulk; Size Shift; HP: 170/170

You make an electric maelstrom at the grenade launchers. They shot and shot, but it would just be useless. They did get hit, but all of them didn't die. Just passed out.

(15 XP)

Well, you leveled up, which means Hulk is okay now.

You got hit at the back with an earth spike, penetrating through the one of your ribs. But not your spine or your heart.

-(40 HP)

Hulk and you turn around and see a man with electricity charged at his hands.

I'm gonna make this battle difficult.

Yippee...I create a couple electric balls in my hands as well, and ask the man,"What do you want?"
2,300 posts

Name: Xas
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Super Power: Earth Manipulation
Level: 7
XP: 17/50
HP: 45/135
Hunger: 91/100
NP: 8/100
Earth Golem Form
Amy; Matter Manipulation; HP: 130/130

Alright now to finally hit him. Amy turns her arms to long iron rods and puts her arms in the barrage and absorbs the electricity from it then I make another sword and get ready to stab him.

He's smart (As me), so don't underestimate him (And me).

Okay, Amy turns her arms into iron rods and absorb the lightning barrage. Felix was surprised, but focused the next split second. You get an earth sword and stab him. But he fills his legs with electricity and shot lightning using his legs, bursting your sword and sending you back, but not hurting you. The iron rods did provide you XP.

(3 XP)

But did he fall? No, he uses lightning to hover above air.

Using lightning to charge his strength too, he quickly grabs the iron rods of Amy and throws her to you without her reacting yet.

And Amy's iron rods are going to electrocute you and penetrate your chest.


Name: Ghalaghor
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Shape-Shifting
Level: 8
XP: 18/55
HP: 225/225
Hunger: 55/100
NP: 1/100
Tom; Metal Manipulation; HP: 165/165
Whale meat, Med-kits

before i kill or attack anyone or anything, i try to find out why they are fighting. maybe i can find a way to create peace without using any violence.

Aah. This war is about superiority. Seeing who is more superior. An earth ball spike is directed at you (accidentally, of course).


Name: Shadow
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Shape shifting
Level: 3
XP: 15/30
HP: 80/80
Hunger: 76/100
NP: 4/100
Raven, Wolf, Knight Of Titanium

I land in the bush again and change into my wolf form, and I walk out of the bush. I don't go straight for the guards yet, I walk to the left of them.

You land in the bush again and change into your wolf form. You walk out of the bush and head to the left of them. But what are you going to do?


Name: Trapo Shinstick
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Super Power: Bone manipulation
Level: 1
XP: 16/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 97/100

I try to block it by opening my hands and creating a disc of bone to block the shot,and bones cannot conduct electricity.then I fire many small pointy bones at the crow,blocking any electric bolts that it shoots at me with the disc.Once it's dead I look around the world,and walk in the safest direction.

Well, the bone disc cracks more by each lightning bolt hitting it. Once it's dead-

(5 XP)

You explore this world.

This world is an island full of trees, like a jungle. There's a cave in this island. A purple crystal resides in this cave. The only way to get out of the world is through grabbing the crystal.

You see two acid-spitting spiders at the entrance, guarding it.


Name: Viet Anh
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Pyromaster
Level: 8
XP: 18/55
HP: 60/160
Hunger: 34/100
NP: 7/100
Fire Melee Form
Jaysee; Lightning Manipulation; HP: 50/150

I summon more minions to surround the rat while Jaysee summons electric monsters to merge with mine, then they will shoot sharp lightning bolts.

I see. When it realizes it's surrounded, it charges itself with lasers, resisting any damage your minions do. They do damage the rat, yes.

(3 XP)

But, it releases its power, exploding the cave with lasers and engulfing you in it.

-(100 HP); Both

The rat is enraged. It charges towards you.


Name: Lockus
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Super Power: Ion Manipulation
Level: 6
XP: 8/45
HP: 95/135
Hunger: 59/100
NP: 2/100
Ion Form
Hulk; Size Shift; HP: 120/170

Yippee...I create a couple electric balls in my hands as well, and ask the man,"What do you want?"

You create a couple of electrical balls in your hands and ask him.


He shot a lightning bolt faster than the eye could catch and caught Hulk in the chest.

-(50 HP); Hulk

He looked over to you.

"So, I suppose I should kill you too."

He charges lightning in his hands. It's like the fight of Xas.
883 posts

Name: Daniel
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Super Power: Invisibility
Level: 7
XP: 5/50
HP: 130/130
Hunger: 97/100
NP: 8/100
Machete, silenced pistol, assault rifle, USB Flash Drive, $495

Okay. They decided to negotiate. This grenade can destroy this town. It's one of the owner's custom grenades that went famous.

"Daniel, you are under arrest for the murder of (insert the number of how many you killed in the castle) people. Put your hands up and don't pull that pin."

"If I put the grenade down, I lose my only bargaining chip, and then you're going to kill me or lock me up forever. I'm not going to prison." I slowly back towards the rear of the store, where it is less likely a sniper could hit me. "Let me go, or I will blow this whole town. Think about it, would you rather let a wanted man go,and have your family survive, or try to arrest him and have your family die?"
18,319 posts

Name: Xas
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Super Power: Earth Manipulation
Level: 7
XP: 17/50
HP: 45/135
Hunger: 91/100
NP: 8/100
Earth Golem Form
Amy; Matter Manipulation; HP: 130/130

I jump out of the way and make a mound of soft dirt for her to go on

4,710 posts

Name: Ghalaghor
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Shape-Shifting
Level: 8
XP: 18/55
HP: 225/225
Hunger: 55/100
NP: 1/100
Tom; Metal Manipulation; HP: 165/165
Whale meat, Med-kits

Aah. This war is about superiority. Seeing who is more superior. An earth ball spike is directed at you (accidentally, of course).

well, if you look at the elements, then earth is superior to electricity, but if you gather enough electricity, then you could even destroy the chinese wall.

anyway, i shift my arm into a diamond sword and cut the...(spiked earth ball or a spike of an earth ball?)...whatever is flying towards me in half, but only if it is not too big. in that case i try to melt it with fire and acid (after i shifted into a fire breathing dragon-human with an acid shooting tail).
2,463 posts

Name: Shadow
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Shape shifting
Level: 3
XP: 15/30
HP: 80/80
Hunger: 76/100
NP: 4/100
Raven, Wolf, Knight Of Titanium

I land in the bush again and change into my wolf form, and I walk out of the bush. I don't go straight for the guards yet, I walk to the left of them.

Simple, when there guard is down, I'll launch a surprise attack.
1,447 posts

Name: Viet Anh
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Pyromaster
Level: 8
XP: 18/55
HP: 60/160
Hunger: 34/100
NP: 7/100
Fire Melee Form
Jaysee; Lightning Manipulation; HP: 50/150

I create a fire wall surrounding it, then I will fly up make as many minions as I possibly can and make them go in with the rat, Jaysee will fuse her monsters with mine, then me and Jaysee create a huge fireball infused with lightning to throw in and make everything explode, I make a fire resistant shield around us.

2,300 posts

Name: Daniel
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Super Power: Invisibility
Level: 7
XP: 8/50
HP: 130/130
Hunger: 96/100
NP: 9/100
Machete, silenced pistol, assault rifle, USB Flash Drive, $495

"If I put the grenade down, I lose my only bargaining chip, and then you're going to kill me or lock me up forever. I'm not going to prison." I slowly back towards the rear of the store, where it is less likely a sniper could hit me. "Let me go, or I will blow this whole town. Think about it, would you rather let a wanted man go,and have your family survive, or try to arrest him and have your family die?"

Your speech convinced them to lower their arms.

(3 XP)

There weren't any snipers, though.

The shopkeeper wasn't even scared by this. He could protect himself from the immense blast. But not the soldiers.

"Just get outta here and never come back. Throw the grenade into a portal."


Name: Xas
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Super Power: Earth Manipulation
Level: 7
XP: 17/50
HP: 45/135
Hunger: 90/100
NP: 9/100
Earth Golem Form
Amy; Matter Manipulation; HP: 130/130

I jump out of the way and make a mound of soft dirt for her to go on

You dodge Amy's (accidental) attack and make a soft platform for her to land on. You see Felix in his Storm Form. He fuses water and lightning and sends the wave towards you.


Name: Ghalaghor
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Shape-Shifting
Level: 8
XP: 21/55
HP: 225/225
Hunger: 54/100
NP: 2/100
Tom; Metal Manipulation; HP: 165/165
Whale meat, Med-kits

well, if you look at the elements, then earth is superior to electricity, but if you gather enough electricity, then you could even destroy the chinese wall.

anyway, i shift my arm into a diamond sword and cut the...(spiked earth ball or a spike of an earth ball?)...whatever is flying towards me in half, but only if it is not too big. in that case i try to melt it with fire and acid (after i shifted into a fire breathing dragon-human with an acid shooting tail).

Yeah, that's why they want to see who's stronger. Of course, earth wins by a long shot. Lightning can also be used as physical force like lightning in rains.

You shift your arm into a diamond sword (Minecraft style?) and cut the spiked ball into half.

(3 XP)

Misunderstanding happens now. Well, maybe not. The lightning manipulators and earth manipulators are against you now because you just interfered with their war. Stupid, right? What will you do first?


Name: Shadow
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Shape shifting
Level: 3
XP: 15/30
HP: 80/80
Hunger: 75/100
NP: 5/100
Raven, Wolf, Knight Of Titanium

Simple, when there guard is down, I'll launch a surprise attack.

Yes, but in what form? They are obviously letting their guard down because they're leaning against the wall, not giving a single f*ck about anything.


Name: Viet Anh
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Pyromaster
Level: 8
XP: 21/55
HP: 60/160
Hunger: 33/100
NP: 8/100
Fire Melee Form
Jaysee; Lightning Manipulation; HP: 50/150

I create a fire wall surrounding it, then I will fly up make as many minions as I possibly can and make them go in with the rat, Jaysee will fuse her monsters with mine, then me and Jaysee create a huge fireball infused with lightning to throw in and make everything explode, I make a fire resistant shield around us.

You create a fire wall surrounding it. The rat stops its charge. You fly up and make 40 minions. That's the max of your powers for now and make them engage in combat. You fuse 40 minions with Jaysee before that and both of you combine your attacks. The rat exerts a laser shield that defended against most of the minions' attacks. Your huge fireball infused with Jaysee's just broke the shield.

(3 XP)

You need a different tactic.
Showing 511-525 of 1815