ForumsForum GamesThe Superhuman: The Revenge Of Azure

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In the year of time and peace, everyone was living in harmony. In fact, the world became one, with no countries anywhere. Previously, there was a war. A war between Earth and another unknown planet named Jorge. The war lasted for a millennium but no sides won. The leader of Earth, Gerth, fought with passion. Jorge was losing but Gerth had a truce to stop all of this and convinced them that the war was useless.
Now, in 3050, the technology and development for both planets were growing at a fast pace. Both of them were living together, transporting equipment for one another and visitors traveling to each of them. But no one had super powers like before anymore.
And they had even mined asteroids for fuel and ships travel further and further away from the galaxy to search for more.
One day, a miner came across a floating purple crystal. He boosted towards it and took an inspecting machine and scanned it. The machine said it was unknown. The miner took his chances and took out his mining tool, a laser cutter and touched it with the cutter.
The purple crystal exploded and purple light incinerated the miner. The light was so intense, it reached throughout The Milky Way. Every living being was shrouded in the light. The light contained mutated cells that entered all sorts of people from politicians to madmen. Plus, the light is constantly dispersing, being it unable for any living being to be uninfected. The mutated cells also opened portals at random distances and places. Some appeared in oceans and on buildings taller than Burj Khalifa. The portals lead to dangerous dungeons but have the key core to making the mutated cells stronger, supporting both the human bodies and brain.
The purple crystal was made by the remains of Azure, a goddess. She was destroyed by Gerth himself, since he found that Azure was causing the war.
When the crystal exploded, a voice booms throughout The Milky Way.
Earth and Jorge were in ruins. The portals sucked in anything that surrounded them, especially the oceans. They were what made Jorge and Earth chaotic planets.
Luckily, you did not stand near those portals.
Enemies of all kinds, monsters and humans alike, target those with little power and you have to survive or even stop the light from dispersing through a secret way.

For TL;DR people:
A miner came across a purple crystal and tried to gather its resources but got killed. The crystal exploded and light dispersed throughout The Milky Way. The light mutated every living being to gain super powers. You have to survive or stop the light from dispersing using a secret way. Challenge comes your way.

Character Sheet:

Name: (Any name you might think of)
Gender: Male/Female
Age: (Whichever above 18)
Super Power: (Not too overpowered)
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 100/100

BTW, please quote my previous reply so that I know what is going on, especially if you didn't reply a long time ago. I will also quote and if I don't, you have my apologies in advance.

When fighting, please state exactly what you are doing, not like simply attacking, but the way you attack.


  • 1,815 Replies
2,463 posts

Name: Black
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Elemental Manipulation
Variation: Wind
Level: 2
XP: 4/25
HP: 65/65
Hunger: 89/100

I jump up and use the wind to help me fly high enough to dodge the acid wave.

2,300 posts

Name: LavaMan
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Geo-thermogenesis
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 98/100

Ok...didn't know who aggravated the rhino, but i'll try and dodge him and then sprint for the exit from which the rhino came.

There are no exits until I reveal them.

The rhino missed, but it turned around and charged again.


Name: Aureus Petra
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Earth Manipulation
Level: 5
XP: 11/40
HP: 85/115
Hunger: 81/100
NP: 22/100

I then turn back to my normal form. (Don't I get hunger points for the crows I eat?) I then summon a wall made of stone to block me.

Oh, yeah. I forgot.

(30 Hunger Points)

The wall blocked the fireball.

(3 XP)

But a man crashed into the ground next to you and fire exploded. You got hit.

-(30 HP)

You get sent away. When you look up, you see the man throwing a massive fireball at you.


Name: Ghalaghor
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Shape-Shifting
Level: 15
XP: 55/90
HP: 215/375
Hunger: 10/100
NP: 3/100
Energy, Anti-Matter, Escapism

i try to get near him so i can grab him, bind his legs, arms and head and try to tear his chest open with my claw-hands. i used some tails and arms to bind him, but i leaved the chest open. only his chest is not bound by my tails/arms.

if that does not work, then i have to try to kill him so i can open his chest...

as said, if the above plan does not work, then i try to hit him with my punches and kicks. a raging storm of punches and fists.

Every punch was parried by his punches. Then, he sent a kick up between your legs.

-(50 HP)

You were sent up into the dark sky. You see the man jumping up towards you.


Name: Black
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Elemental Manipulation
Variation: Wind
Level: 2
XP: 7/25
HP: 65/65
Hunger: 88/100

I jump up and use the wind to help me fly high enough to dodge the acid wave.

Aah, well.

(3 XP)

The acid wave went past. You see the spider caught in the hurricane you caused.
97 posts

Name: LavaMan
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Geo-thermogenesis
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 98/100

There are no exits until I reveal them.

The rhino missed, but it turned around and charged again.

No exits? Guess I have to fight the rhino then.

I'll try to dodge the rhino again, then when he's right beside me, I try and punch him from the side by hardening my lava hands into solid rock.
4,710 posts

Name: Ghalaghor
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Shape-Shifting
Level: 15
XP: 55/90
HP: 215/375
Hunger: 10/100
NP: 3/100
Energy, Anti-Matter, Escapism

Every punch was parried by his punches. Then, he sent a kick up between your legs.

-(50 HP)

You were sent up into the dark sky. You see the man jumping up towards you.

i await him and cling to hhis body as soon as he hits me. i suround his whole body by wrapping my arms and legs around him.

now i can do two things:

i fly up high into the sky to the second highest atmosphere of this place, dive towards the ground and release him before we both hit the ground. i stop just in time above the ground so i can get the crystal.

if that does not work, then i fly to the second highest atmosphere of this planet to use the above plan as a back-up plan while i some parasitic mouthes try to get inside his body without eating or devouring anithing from him so i can get the crystal out of him. if that does not work, then i try my plan b (the plan above).

the third plan involves flying towards the ground and dodging his attack at the last second so he hits the ground. before he can then get up, i get to him as fast as possible and try to break his arms, then i try to rib his chest open by using a non-stopping storm of strong punches combined with drills and other sharp and pointy weapons, all of them centered at the point where his heart should be.
2,463 posts

Name: Black
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Elemental Manipulation
Variation: Wind
Level: 2
XP: 7/25
HP: 65/65
Hunger: 88/100

I make the hurricane fling the spider into the nearest water source, hopefully drowning it.

(By the way can I get this character to see the death of Shadow, say a time line inter connected to that losing one.)

2,300 posts

Name: LavaMan
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Geo-thermogenesis
Level: 1
XP: 3/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 97/100

No exits? Guess I have to fight the rhino then.

I'll try to dodge the rhino again, then when he's right beside me, I try and punch him from the side by hardening my lava hands into solid rock.

The rhino was sent away.

(3 XP)

But when it got up, it shot its horn at you.


Name: Ghalaghor
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Shape-Shifting
Level: 15
XP: 55/90
HP: 215/375
Hunger: 10/100
NP: 3/100
Energy, Anti-Matter, Escapism

i await him and cling to hhis body as soon as he hits me. i suround his whole body by wrapping my arms and legs around him.

now i can do two things:

i fly up high into the sky to the second highest atmosphere of this place, dive towards the ground and release him before we both hit the ground. i stop just in time above the ground so i can get the crystal.

if that does not work, then i fly to the second highest atmosphere of this planet to use the above plan as a back-up plan while i some parasitic mouthes try to get inside his body without eating or devouring anithing from him so i can get the crystal out of him. if that does not work, then i try my plan b (the plan above).

the third plan involves flying towards the ground and dodging his attack at the last second so he hits the ground. before he can then get up, i get to him as fast as possible and try to break his arms, then i try to rib his chest open by using a non-stopping storm of strong punches combined with drills and other sharp and pointy weapons, all of them centered at the point where his heart should be.

The first plan was already void. He can reflect your body away from him.

All your typing went to waste.

The man sent a kick right at your face.


Name: Black
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Elemental Manipulation
Variation: Wind
Level: 2
XP: 10/25
HP: 65/65
Hunger: 87/100

I make the hurricane fling the spider into the nearest water source, hopefully drowning it.

(By the way can I get this character to see the death of Shadow, say a time line inter connected to that losing one.)

I guess. Shadow died by the hands of the water lady, right?

Alright. You didn't kill the spider, but it definitely didn't fight back anymore.

(3 XP)

Alright, you see the cave, but with two spiders guarding it. I'll make it harder.
97 posts

Name: LavaMan
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Geo-thermogenesis
Level: 1
XP: 3/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 97/100

The rhino was sent away.

(3 XP)

But when it got up, it shot its horn at you.


Yay, 3 xp! Wait, the rhino can shoot his horn?

Ok then, I'll try to harden my whole body to take as little damage as possible, if at all, since i don't think its possible to dodge projectiles.
107 posts

Name: Aureus Petra
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Earth Manipulation
Level: 5
XP: 11/40
HP: 85/115
Hunger: 81/100
NP: 22/100

I form two walls of rock before going underground, I then shoot up while turning to Golem Form then run towards him.

6,257 posts

Name: Rip
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Magnetism
Level: 3
XP: 26/30
HP: 45/85
Hunger: 53/100
NP: 2/100
(Lots of) Guns

Sorry for being inactive. I was a bit busy.

He raised his gun at you. The I.D has the picture of the man who died.

Right. *facepalm*

First, I use my magnetism to take his gun away by surprise and simultaneously lodge a metal piece into his throat so that he can't speak and then I kill him while switching my I.D with his I.D so everybody assumes it was him that killed the person before. If he has some armor on or if that somehow doesn't work, I lodge a metal piece into his mouth and block his windpipe so he cannot speak, and I do everything I have said before.

I then find a dark alley or some place to hide for the time being.
4,710 posts

Name: Ghalaghor
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Shape-Shifting
Level: 15
XP: 55/90
HP: 215/375
Hunger: 10/100
NP: 3/100
Energy, Anti-Matter, Escapism

The first plan was already void. He can reflect your body away from him.

All your typing went to waste.

The man sent a kick right at your face.

it is not an entire waste. try and error, i try to learn from my mistakes.

anyway, i dodge the kick as fast as i can and try to hit him in his face. everytime he tries to attack me, i dodge his attack and try to attack him with my fists for each time i dodged one of his attacks.


lets see...he is corrupted and immune against ranged and/or elemental attacks, while i am made out of...anti-matter...wait a minute, if i am made out of anti-matter and he is made out of matter, then that you know what happens when matter and anti-matter meet?


power hints/tipps part 2

you can surprise your opponent/s by using something defensive as a weapon like an elemental wall in front of the enemy in the last second so he/she/they get hit by it.
or you could try out an elemental armor/shield/dome.
you can even attack by defending yourself with other powers, of course.

telekinesis involves levitation (including objects, others and you), telekinetical punches, lifting someone up and then letting him/her falling from a great hight, crushing organs and/or stopping enemies movement, suffocating others, creating shields/barriers, using ranged/meelee weapons without touching them and using the elements (earth, water and fire) by lifting them up.

maybe i make more parts, that is it for now.
2,463 posts

Name: Black
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Elemental Manipulation
Variation: Wind
Level: 2
XP: 10/25
HP: 65/65
Hunger: 87/100

Knowing that the wind blows near the entrance of caves, I make the cave mouth a wind-tunnel, first blowing the spiders in and then blowing them back out with enough force to either stun them of kill them when they hit something other then myself, it will also passably force any other spiders out as well.

2,300 posts

Name: LavaMan
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Geo-thermogenesis
Level: 1
XP: 6/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 96/100

Yay, 3 xp! Wait, the rhino can shoot his horn?

Ok then, I'll try to harden my whole body to take as little damage as possible, if at all, since i don't think its possible to dodge projectiles.

It is. Sometimes.

Okay. You caught it but never got damaged.

(3 XP)

But you see it's about to explode. Remember. You're just human, not lava.


Name: Aureus Petra
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Earth Manipulation
Level: 5
XP: 14/40
HP: 85/115
Hunger: 71/100
NP: 23/100

I form two walls of rock before going underground, I then shoot up while turning to Golem Form then run towards him.

Shoot what up? Yourself? The walls?

Okay, the massive fireball was dissipated along with the earth walls.

(3 XP)

But the fire guy is in the air. You can't run towards him.


Name: Rip
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Magnetism
Level: 4
XP: 1/35
HP: 100/100
Hunger: 52/100
NP: 0/100
(Lots of) Guns

Right. *facepalm*

First, I use my magnetism to take his gun away by surprise and simultaneously lodge a metal piece into his throat so that he can't speak and then I kill him while switching my I.D with his I.D so everybody assumes it was him that killed the person before. If he has some armor on or if that somehow doesn't work, I lodge a metal piece into his mouth and block his windpipe so he cannot speak, and I do everything I have said before.

I then find a dark alley or some place to hide for the time being.

That was sweet.

(5 XP)
-(10 NP)

Level up!!!

Alright, time for something you would need to face.

You see a cat snarling at you. With purple eyes.


Name: Ghalaghor
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Shape-Shifting
Level: 15
XP: 58/90
HP: 165/375
Hunger: 10/100
NP: 3/100
Energy, Anti-Matter, Escapism

lets see...he is corrupted and immune against ranged and/or elemental attacks, while i am made out of...anti-matter...wait a minute, if i am made out of anti-matter and he is made out of matter, then that you know what happens when matter and anti-matter meet?

lets see...he is corrupted and immune against ranged and/or elemental attacks, while i am made out of...anti-matter...wait a minute, if i am made out of anti-matter and he is made out of matter, then that you know what happens when matter and anti-matter meet?

Okay, okay. You don't exist right now. Anti-Matter erases your existence. It doesn't turn you into Anti-Matter. That is it.

Alright, I'll give you a pass on this one. You hit him in the face.

(3 XP)

But he didn't get sent away. After getting punched, he grabbed your fist and tore it out.

-(50 HP)

Now, he landed on the ground.

you can surprise your opponent/s by using something defensive as a weapon like an elemental wall in front of the enemy in the last second so he/she/they get hit by it.
or you could try out an elemental armor/shield/dome.
you can even attack by defending yourself with other powers, of course.

telekinesis involves levitation (including objects, others and you), telekinetical punches, lifting someone up and then letting him/her falling from a great hight, crushing organs and/or stopping enemies movement, suffocating others, creating shields/barriers, using ranged/meelee weapons without touching them and using the elements (earth, water and fire) by lifting them up.

maybe i make more parts, that is it for now.

I could use this too. Hehehe..


Name: Black
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Elemental Manipulation
Variation: Wind
Level: 2
XP: 10/25
HP: 65/65
Hunger: 86/100

Knowing that the wind blows near the entrance of caves, I make the cave mouth a wind-tunnel, first blowing the spiders in and then blowing them back out with enough force to either stun them of kill them when they hit something other then myself, it will also passably force any other spiders out as well.

One shot acid before you did that. Then, they all get stunned.
97 posts

Name: LavaMan
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Geo-thermogenesis
Level: 1
XP: 6/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 96/100

It is. Sometimes.

Okay. You caught it but never got damaged.

(3 XP)

But you see it's about to explode. Remember. You're just human, not lava.

yay! another 3xp! *reads the rest of post* aah! its going to explode!

I hurry and throw that primed horn towards the rhino and quickly get myself to the point in the complex...or...whatever building I'm inside of...where i am farthest from the explosion.
2,463 posts

Name: Black
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Elemental Manipulation
Variation: Wind
Level: 2
XP: 10/25
HP: 65/65
Hunger: 86/100

I saw it coming and tried to dodge it.

4,710 posts

Name: Ghalaghor
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Super Power: Shape-Shifting
Level: 15
XP: 58/90
HP: 165/375
Hunger: 10/100
NP: 3/100
Energy, Anti-Matter, Escapism

Okay, okay. You don't exist right now. Anti-Matter erases your existence. It doesn't turn you into Anti-Matter. That is it.

Alright, I'll give you a pass on this one. You hit him in the face.

(3 XP)

But he didn't get sent away. After getting punched, he grabbed your fist and tore it out.

-(50 HP)

Now, he landed on the ground.

lol, quote-ception...

anyway, i get away from him and try to use my powers to shift myself into a mix between a human and a reptile (i keep the animal parts/abilities from earlier, i just add something else to this mix) to heal my wounds (some reptiles can regenerate whole limbs).

after i healed my wounds (i dodged his attacks and/or stayed away from him so my wounds have enough time to heal), i shift into a symbiont and try to enter his body to kill him from the inside.

if i can not get inside his body, then i continue to punch him with my fists. i even try to kick him in his crotch so i can try to break his neck.

I could use this too. Hehehe..

the same counts for the first part too.
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