Alright guys, another thing has been recently brought to my attention. I wasn't going to say anything while people were posting uncharacteristic sentences and making little omissions here and there, but this has now gone far beyond the pale:
I'm talking about plagarism. AGAIN. I did this for the ASCII art, but believe it or not this also applies to academic and informational material.
So let's be entirely clear:
* It is inappropriate to post passages or source quotes that is not YOUR OWN original content WITHOUT REFERENCES.
* In some cases, this is illegal, particularly if the document you STOLE does not cite some kind of copyleft or free-to-use clause. Chances are they have this nifty "do not distribute without permission" or a (c)- meaning copyright, meaning don't copy and paste the whole thing elsewhere.
* Worse, you think you're going to get away with that, and then say "no, seriously, I didn't copy and paste it, I wrote it myself." Are you guys even in high school yet? Have you not been taught that this form of plagarism is entirely unacceptable? Do your teachers not even bother to inform you that copying an assignment word for word and passing it off as your own is wrong?
* The reason I'm going off about this is because the clearest sign of a copy-paste job is that the post has limited or no relevance to the thread at hand. You're taking shortcuts without processing, and guess what, as a result, you're spamming.
* It's important to develop the habit where you're able to think for yourself, to evaluate the things that you're reading so you can determine what they have to do with the topic and if it supports/rejects it, and how strongly. If you can do this then we won't have the need to wade through tons of frankly useless crap just to get an idea discussed. This is important in a broader world application.
But I know that currently there is no actual discouragement from people engaging in what is tantamount to criminal activity. Which is why I'm calling upon harsher measures to be taken upon users who a) blatantly copy-paste AND omit the reference, b) when challenged, maintain their innocence despite being proven guilty.
Donkeykong12: Dude, you fell apart under strops interrogation. He creamed you. At one point you said "I don't know how to make a link". If you can copy and past huge blobs of text, you can copy and paste a link. Its not that difficult.
Anyways thanks for this post Strop i think a lot of people needed this little...oh...reminder.
Also, how long the post was was good. It was an excellent list of reasons and was awesome, so keep up stuff like that.
And DonkeyKong13, just because you can not understand intelligence, does not mean other people can't.
Ricador, Ouch man! Just poking people in the eyes and steppin on feet all over the place! Chill, lol...what did they do to you? (quoting a friend,"Just because someone kicks your dog, doesn't mean you need to go stick everyone else's in a blender" )
Regardless of the truth of the matter, I don't want to intimidate anybody, so much as encourage people to do the right thing, so maybe I should go off and rewrite that post, yeah?
Thou'rt by no means valiant, for thou dost fear the soft and tender fork of a poor worm.
Heh heh, Shakespearean insults - I'm lovin' it! You were right Strop, my 10 commandments are flawed. Shakespeare is a God.
But seriously, I have really tried looking at this thread as 'babbling' but it's just not working. This is an informative post about a serious issue here on AG. Strop is a God.
I would stop typing now, but I feel the need to type another paragraph and end it with '(name here) is a god.' Chuck Norris is a God.
Aah, now I feel the satisfaction. I will leave now, farewell, my cherished dears. God is a God.
Hey guys listen I am very sorry about the little argument I had with Strop in the beggining, I now know that it was wrong. But everytime I try to post a link, it doesn't work, so the only way to let people know what I was trying to say was to put everything that I wanted people to see on there. Listen, Strop you are so right, and I'm really sorry, I will tell about this topic to Asherlee and ask her to stick it okay (well jut the begining, okay). Once again I am really sorry I brought all this trouble
@ Ricardo
Your right, Strop did cream me, and the thing I said," I don't know how to make a link. " , that did come out meaning wrong, I meant that everytime I try to make a link, it messes up (for instance the link I tried to do) you know what I mean?
I was actually wondering about that same post yesterday, and didn't report it here because I went to the bsnc website that he got the picture from, and all of the information was organized similarly, but it looked like if he got it from that page, he made sure to paraphrase. He may have gotten it from a different website, but from what I saw it was alright.
Haha, awesome. I can't check the originality of every piece of info posted here, but if you guys know how to then that's great.
I was immediately suspicious of the post from the topic line (first, why the trite heading and second, what motive could one possibly have writing about Mercury without due cause?) but didn't have time to read the article, so I didn't check the thread until it was pointed out to me. I guess it's already been covered
This thread has become the place for members of AG to police the threads for examples of plagiarism. I didn't even have that in mind when I posted but wow, there you go.
P.S. Paraphrasing stuff by changing words around and cutting things here and there is also probably not on. There is a bit of a fuzzy line between what does and what doesn't constitute original work, but the general rule is whether you can argue that you put your own thought and consideration into writing something that actually makes sense as a whole.