Are the posts moderated? Because when i post something, it does not appear, and this makes me think that the comments are first checked and then posted.
Not just a refresh, but a hard refresh! Hit up on some CTRL + F5 and you'll see your posts like a champ! This amazing process cures the cache glitch, and can be yours for only $19.99!
Not just a refresh, but a hard refresh! Hit up on some CTRL + F5 and you'll see your posts like a champ! This amazing process cures the cache glitch, and can be yours for only $19.99!
Not on all browsers, I'm afraid. You see this is where the CTRL + F5 process beats out its competitors: browsers that aren't up-to-date generally can't do that, so we've made this process to cure all cache-related ailments! It's simple!
Oh, and if you hipsters don't want to go with a "mainstream" product, CTRL + R does the same thing, but is less prescribed. Brought to you by Salvidious Productions.
Ask your doctor before using the CTRL + F5 process or the CTRL + R process as they can cause severe liver, kidney, and even heart failure. Do not use if you are pregnant, may become pregnant, or wish to become pregnant. Use for only ages 18+. Do not use with alcohal, and be sure not to suddenly stop use without seeing your doctor.