ForumsThe TavernThis is a bad topic name.

7 1984
3,137 posts

Today I was woundering: What makes me click on a topic or not after reading the name.

The same topics come up in the Tavern over and over again and I question why I click on some repeats and not others... Maybe its just my mood, but maybe it has something to do with how the title is worded. Or shown. Maybe I am more likely to click it if it has a long title, Or one with Capital letters. It must catch my eye for some reason...

I could easily be crazy though haha. Your thoughts? Why did you look into this thread?

  • 7 Replies
514 posts

I don't usually click on a topic with bad spelling and grammar for sure. I also only click on topics that I could say something worth saying in it. Otherwise, I just click what looks interesting.

3,137 posts

I don't usually click on a topic with bad spelling and grammar for sure. I also only click on topics that I could say something worth saying in it. Otherwise, I just click what looks interesting.

Good point I usually don't click topics with poor grammar or spelling, unless I suspect it's a troll and I'm looking for a laugh.

I just find it strange that I have seen tons of threads about people's favorite books but sometimes I look at them and other times I don't. I know what the content is. It's the same every time. Yet sometimes I feel very obligated to look and other times not.
12,319 posts

I shall list positive and negative factors of interest in order of effect:

Positive Factors:

-Title indicates interesting topic
-Title is vague
-Title is in good spelling and grammar

Negative Factors:

-Title indicates uninteresting topic
-Title is in all caps and/or contains swearing
-Title is in bad spelling and grammar

These are for me. The most important thing to me is the indicated topic. Vague titles draw me in because I want to know the topic and none is indicated. I am not a grammar Nazi, so I don't care that much about the grammar of the title, though I will always use proper spelling, grammar, and capitalization in a thread title.

343 posts

I shall list positive and negative factors of interest in order of effect:
Positive Factors:
-Title indicates interesting topic
-Title is vague
-Title is in good spelling and grammar
Negative Factors:
-Title indicates uninteresting topic
-Title is in all caps and/or contains swearing
-Title is in bad spelling and grammar
These are for me. The most important thing to me is the indicated topic. Vague titles draw me in because I want to know the topic and none is indicated. I am not a grammar Nazi, so I don't care that much about the grammar of the title, though I will always use proper spelling, grammar, and capitalization in a thread title.

Ditto! Yes, I think I agree with patrick, i mean if the thread looks stupid, why would I click on it? Ya' pickin' up what i'm layin' down?

3,766 posts

I went to this thread because I thought Cen might have made it. Now I am sad.

Only topics I care about do I look at.

15,595 posts

I mostly only post in my Health and fitness thread nowadays, but I occasionally check S&S for threads about "bugs", "ads", and anything with "admin/mod" in the title, so I can tell them the truth/what they can do. Like if it's an "ad" thread I tell them to install adblock, because nobody likes disruptive ads, and they aren't going to change them.

In the tavern, only things that catch my eye, and from looking at the first page, only this. I was curious to see what the OP was.

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