long story short, explained biasedly, by me:
*turns on computer...*
*Logs into AG*
*Gets the message: "failed to log in to server", when attempting to play an MMO*
*Tries to solve the problem, by refreshing, restarting, empty'ing cahce, checking the forum, etc. etc.*
*finds no solution, other than to log in with an alternate account*
(Created to try a different class in Legacy of Heroes, in which it
WILL take you several days/a handful of dollars i dont have to try a diffferent class)
*logs on to tell the League i'm LEADING, that i am having login trouble and that i wont be online as promised*
*Proceeds to go to the forum to add to my previous posts, regarding this matter*
*post dont show up in thread...*
*re-writes post...*
*Still dont show up*
*Leaves thread, and is automatically logged off*
*tries to log in again*
*gets the msg: "3 day ban due to blank post"*
Only covering the consequences for my main account (this one), it adds up to:
2x weekly bonusses lost at day 6 and 5 respectively for the two games i was playing, thats thats 13 and 12 days setback regarding ingame pay-to-win currency.
Missed out on the tempus draft in LoH as a result.
wont be getting the needed funds for planned halloween upgrades.
Its tough enough staying competitive in these games as a free player as it is, without having ones messenger shot as a little bonus...
ps: regarding third account, well if one gets banned and the next get bugged in a way thats as bad as a ban, what would you do to feed your addiction? Go to Kongregate? a rival site? I've been an armorgamer for I dont know how many years, such a thing as loyalty do exist... but only so much **** will i take before demanding my user statistics (which are affecting Ad-revenue and google syndication) removed.
I know its an infinitely small influence they have, but hey, my glass is so full its spilling over by now, and i really dont have much of a choice here, its either; take it in the Behind, or demand my silly little right to be removed from the statistics.
I honestly regret that it has come to this, but I have serious anger issues, and if this happens again, I doubt my hardware or knuckles are gonna look pretty afterwards.
Thank you AG for a some amazing years of Indie gaming, guess I'll have to go get a life now that an era has passed.
*salutes the AG logo and leaves*