ForumsThe TavernThe most random thing

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534 posts

What is the most random thing that you would want to happen in any kind of event? Like gumballs falling out of the sky or actual raining cats and dogs or a pony showing up at your front door just after you watched my little pony... or people transformiing into half animal half human in the middle of a banquet.

  • 19 Replies
534 posts

Maybe I should change this into "what is the most random thing that happened to you?"

Also have you ever tried jumping over a person only to crash into him and sending him to the hospital where he died and you started running from the law?..... I haven't.

3,087 posts

Also have you ever tried jumping over a person only to crash into him and sending him to the hospital where he died and you started running from the law?..... I haven't.
Last time I did that, they just gave me a sharp reprimand, and fined me 15 trillion dollars. (it was chinese, so that is why our debt is so high, I had the government borrow it from different nations so I could pay the fines)


Most random thing to happen to me is seeing this thread get created.

~~~Darth Caedus
437 posts

Random: It was five o'clock in the morning. I was with three other people. Only one of us was actually doing any kind of work. The other three (including me) just sat there getting delirious from the lack of sleep. Then we started playing a game that involved three people saying random things, and the other finishing our sentences with a specific word or phrase. For example, one of the rounds had the phrase "little boys."

"I like to play with..."
"Little boys."

Then we grew weary of that **** and saw a fat lady in her apartment walking around. One of my friends stared through the window at her, and another was hip thrusting and sticking his *** up in her direction. We were not able to secure her attention.

At some point, a random guy outside pops out of nowhere with a flashlight. Why he was walking around outside at 5 AM, I do not know. He didn't seem to know what he was doing, and we were ****ing afraid he'd stab us, but we let him in our building anyway.

Then we went to bed. We were not drunk. That was ****ing stupid though. I tried waking up at eight for my chemistry lecture but could not do it.

Today, we're going to be running around a big fire drunk trying to touch it. More randomness, entropy.

3,152 posts

I would find it extremely random if Bill Gates came to my house and said he would leave me 5,000,000 bucks when he dies. The only irritating thing about this, is that Bill Gates doesn't even know I'm alive...

Random? Killersup would find it random if he walked outside of his room to find his house had exploded and he fell 10 feet into a mountian of crumbling drywall.

I have to admit, that is probably the most random thing that could happen to a person. I actually laughed at the possibility of that happening.
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