I will answer to this one, as the other thread you made was indeed first, but less clear... =)
This is a problem with a layout of the feedback button and can be fixed by boppins (AG admin). Contact him on his profile and either explain the problem or refer to this thread and he can help you further!
I agree that Zaritan77 should report to Boppins, but he should take a photo of this bug ( by using Print Screen button lah XD) in AG then send to Boppins lah XD
I agree that Zaritan77 should report to Boppins, but he should take a photo of this bug ( by using Print Screen button lah XD) in AG then send to Boppins lah XD
You didn't see the administrator Ferret post in this very same thread, stating that he would like to have a screenshot of the problem to see about it 70_70_70? (O.o)
I saw the problem occur once and very briefly while checking into AG via phone... I then refreshed the page and it was the normal green "Feedback" button we see now. =)
Haven't seen this problem occur while surfing here via laptop yet though... =/
Looks like someone is dying to get their hands on that little pink piece of paper that spells "You're Banned..." here... don't mess with the website's HTML lukada and especially don't encourage others to do this please? We're trying to let the AG community expand and grow, not loose it's users/members...
@ Ferret : I experienced a minor version of it a few days ago while loggin in via phone. The Feedback button was green, without the outlining and the text inside, but this was solved soon after. Haven't seen any other occasions where it has shown a hickkup, nor any other users mentioning a bug/glitch about this happening lately, so I guess it is fixed for now! Nice job! =)