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What do you say about that piece of crap

  • 17 Replies
5,340 posts

my guess is that your too lazy to do them :P

dont wory... i was too XP

but it IS a good way of learning for some types of people. each person has his own way to study

1,373 posts

There was a previous thread about this..... I know there was.....

Anyways, I don't like Homework to be honest. While I know why it is needed, the amount of Homework people get is counter productive and just staggering. I never had this much homework way back when, and I never struggled with grades either. It seems the more work I get, the less productive I am at getting things done. I do not approve...

1,673 posts

Homework is needed, I get how people don't like it but it is still worthy of anyone's time. The only homework that I don't really get is when the teachers that should be teaching kindergarden give you these "fun projects!" to do. Aside from that, worksheets/textbook problems for math, and science are great, even if the homework isn't graded normally it's still a great idea to do it. I know it seems doubtful, but there is a correlation between doing your homework and getting better grades on tests. Essays for English are basically both homework and test grades in themselves, so basically if you don't do homework there you're sunk.

the amount of Homework people get is counter productive and just staggering.

I didn't know homework was important enough to be capitalized O.o I always capitalized it myself lol.

Aside from that, it helps more than it hurts in terms of productivity. Definitely not a poc...
470 posts

The only homework that I don't really get is when the teachers that should be teaching kindergarden give you these "fun projects!"

Teachers usually start in kindergarden when they start their careers. After that thet usually work their way up the grades as long as it pays better.
470 posts


Can't wait until we can start editing our posts...

9,323 posts

I feel Homework is useful to a specific form of learner, one that gets value from writing something down to retain it. Being more of an Audio learning myself, I'd rather listening to a lecture or go out in the field and experience something myself. That being said, teachers also use it as a way of showing you're participating in the class.

437 posts

Since homework is primarily for reinforcement, I wouldn't say that it's needed. Motivated people would take the time to understand concepts on their own time anyway, and the lazy ones either BS it or cheat anyway. It is nice for the people in the middle who don't necessarily have the willpower to self-study but still want to learn, but otherwise, it's just a grade boosting tool.

So far in college, homework has been sparse. All that menial work I could be doing for easy points has instead been converted into tests. For my biology class, 98% of my grade is contingent upon my performances on quizzes and tests, and for chemistry, 85% is. Yeah, cherish dem grade boosters while you get them, especially if you aspire to go to a competitive university.

196 posts

Homework? bah! To me it is mostly school work that teachers have given me as a suggestion to do at home.
When i do have to do it at home I think it is too much work for one day but do it anyway so i don't fail my classes.

primarily for reinforcement

this is why i think it is too much work for one day i know "the material" why do i have to reinforce it?
2,739 posts

It has its ups and downs.For one,some classes are only given forty five minutes to get a lesson across,and somtimes that extra paper a day helps.Other times however it doesn't seem very needed.

3,766 posts

Dalek's Theory of Homework:

You don't have to do the homework(unless for a grade, then just do it). But assume it is not for a grade. If you feel like you know the material then you shouldn't have to do it. But then if you fail the test don't go complaining.

Examples of good systems:
Homework grade=test grade(if homework was not done)
For example- Bobby gets a 95% on his test. His grade on all the homework for the material is a 95%.
Bobby gets a 75% on the test, but Bobby did his homework. He gets whatever grades he got on the homework.

5,061 posts

That was awkwardly stated, but not a bad idea. I think if utilized effectively, it could work, especially because, I've known/been one of those people who can ace a class without ever doing the homework, and you're right to point out how ineffective it can be.

1,322 posts

It depends on the class and information you're talking about. I find it necessary to be suggested if not mandatory with regard to certain subjects. As far as college classes are concerned, most teachers only have time enough to present the day's information before their time is up. I tutored for several college freshman, sophomore, junior, and nursing level chemistry classes for 2 years. The online "homework" for the freshman chemistry class consisted of doing roughly 10 problems every 2.5 weeks or so. The rest of the online stuff was for extra credit. There was potential for upwards of 30+ points per semester. When you have a total of 3 100 point exams and a final (variable in total points depending on teacher) those 30 points are a grade saver. Sure... it was a lot of work getting that many extra credit points.. but it was only extra credit. The hw questions would actually explain how to do them almost to the point of giving you the equation to solve them. The funny thing is that people wouldn't do the homework questions and they wouldn't do the extra credit. The best part is that the class averages would be absolutely God awful on the exams ( a few outliers ), and the students would complain about the difficulty and the poor quality of teaching when the teachers would use a lot of verbatim questions from the hw (or they might have had different numbers). Out of the 200ish gen chem students enrolled in the chemistry classes each semester I would have the same 5 people that would show up religiously. I'd have a few people that would show up sporadically and I'd have about 10 random people each time that I'd never seen before that would show up the night before the exam wanting me to teach them everything. Oddly enough... those that showed up all the time were the ones doing the hw and getting the vast majority of the extra credit available.. and the best grades. It's quite normal for disgruntled students to run to the higher ups blaming their grades on a terrible teacher and asking for actions to be taken to maybe fire and/or up their grade. The teacher then would show that they pulled questions straight from the hw or that they made only similar questions to the ones in the hw where the numbers were merely altered. They'd also bring up that the students didn't do their homework, and/or that they never asked questions regarding the homework. The next thing done was that they'd refer to the sign in sheet for tutoring and/or the tutors themselves about whether or not certain people ever went to tutoring. (we had set tutoring center hours, but we also had a sheet of names and numbers of upper class students that were willing to meet up outside of those hours anywhere on campus or in the city to do personal tutoring)

I'm not being absolute here, but the bulk of the people that say "I know "the material" why do I need to reinforce it?" don't know jack crap and are just lazy. The teachers CAN give too much work, but I don't think that's as prevalent as most of the people who complain would like to get you to think. I lettered 11 times in high school sports (ran 65 miles a week), made almost straight A's (2 B's b/c of stupid things that were out of my control), and took as many advanced hw packed classes as possible(and did all the hw... except when I forgot it every other blue moon). The teacher's job is to make sure that you're learning the material.

Homework is a great way to make sure you're learning and mastering it. If you're having trouble with it, then you're supposed to ask questions in class, go see the teacher after hours, and/or get a friend/tutor to help you. The classes where practice makes perfect require normal non genius people to practice and make mistakes before they begin to master the material. (math, chemistry, physics, even English and writing!...etc) It's a great way of showing that if you're complaining about a teacher/class and not doing the hw, asking the teacher for help, and/or going to tutoring that you don't deserve a better grade... It helps to show whose fault your poor performance really is. Oddly enough... during my time as a tutor, those that would show up religiously were often the people with the most hectic life that had jobs, kids, families, mortgages, etc. The ones that did nothing to help themselves but complained vehemently anyway were the ones I'd see playing ultimate frisbee as I walked back from sitting in an empty tutoring room for 3 hours. I was complemented all the time by the people that showed up for helping them get better grades on exams... >_> so don't say the room was empty b/c I wasn't good.

People don't just accept the grades they earn, so teachers sometimes need to assign homework to show that the person that just failed the exam and therefore can't graduate high school has made no effort all semester to better themselves. If you actually want to do something that requires effort with your life and you're not an uber genius, then you need to cultivate that work ethic at some point anyway. The number of people that say that they'll pick up the slack later on in college or wherever it matters to them and the number of people that I've seen that actually do and can maintain it are really lopsided. You could make mountains out of the former... but you can only really get a few handfuls of the latter.

I'm 23 as of last Saturday, and the people from high school that complained about hw and never did it (a lot of people) generally ask me one question when we talk... and that's "would you like fries with that?" ...if they even got that far lol. A few of them are working on their 3rd marriages, 4th kid, and working at hooters at the age of 22. You may or may not know "the material" and retain it really easily, but the bulk of the people don't.... and it can be the teacher's job if they don't show that they really did try and teach people that just didn't have their education as their top priority.

As a med student... I kinda wish they'd give me work sheets and things to do for reinforcement instead of saying "here's a book, a cadaver, and a powerpoint(most of them are just pictures).... go nuts"

If you really do just "know" everything, then maybe you should take higher classes or go to a harder school... or drop out and start flipping burgers now if you don't care.

514 posts

Homework is just plain stupid, especially since we're stilling doing it with paper and pencil. Typing is so much faster, and teachers can actually read it. What really gets me is when you have a sub and they don't explain the concept very well and you're stuck with nothing to do while you stare at your paper.

317 posts

Typing is so much faster, and teachers can actually read it.

I understand you bro, most of the 8th graders in my class have the worst handwriting ever. But getting off topic, who hates those type of people that volunteer to read something out loud but then can't read for anything.
1,447 posts

Although I have no interest in it I have to do it and I know why teachers give you homework but sometimes there are just too much homework, like before exams and stuff.....

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