ForumsThe TavernFamily/Relative Moments

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Today as I was coming back from a school athletic trip (a five hour bus ride btw) me and my brother and a few others were just chatting. The subject was varying a bit, but what we were speaking about at that moment was space. Suddenly my brother in his own words had "a brilliant and flawless idea". What till you here this AG gamers... He says if the sun were to suddenly stop producing heat and stops (as he puts it) "working" we could just go out into another galaxy (apparently any galaxy would work) and just drag any star back into our galaxy and then set it on fire! Voila, there is his flawless idea of how to get another sun when the time is needed! ROFL

Sad to say he is in grade 11 and genuinely believes this would work. Not one of his best moments

Anyone else have any family or relative moments they would like to discuss?

  • 3 Replies
3,766 posts

One time I was watching The Nerdist podcast on BBC America. I was watching it with my parents when they brought up the topic of shows that are made into porn videos. Once you have listened to people talk about porn in front of your parents nothing else is awkward.

514 posts

Ummm.... I have a Vietnamese aunt who closely follows the stereotype of Vietnames people. "Dog poop! i haff to clean, dog poop!" For heaven sakes, she even used to work at a nail salon. Anyway, no racism here. Just kinda weird since my whole family is white.

213 posts

One time at this festival thing my Mother and my aunt got tired of all the people and not being able to move very quickly, so they decided to be &quotuffer fish" and puffed up their cheeks, held out their arms and did some strange sumo wrestler walk kind of thing. It did work and all the people got out of the way, but I definitely had to question the normalcy of my family.

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