If the game doesn't work, it won't be uploaded onto the site, since all games are reviewed before being uploaded, so if the game is highly buggy, the chances are it won't get passed the selection phase.
When you do find the error, you could resubmit the game and it may get accepted and uploaded onto the site.
Try contacting Tass or boppins about it and I will try notifying them from my end. If it's a major bug, they will probably have seen it and contact you, but if it's minor they might miss it... hang on in there, ok? =)
It's a hard bug to get to come up which is why I didn't notice it at 1st, but it completely crashes the browser. I'll try addressing it over the weekend then resubmit.
I forwarded it to Tass. I'll check if he got the message and is looking into the problem already, ok? Could be that he only responds after the weekend though... Hang on in there a little...