-Don't try to make a merit..that doesn't help. It just happens, basically.
-When you comment on a game, try to put a well thought out comment about it that talks about the positive aspects of the game as well as what could be fixed in the game to improve said game.
I'm really trying hard to earn merits,but it never works i need help.One day I wanna be a moderator so that's why I'm working on this stuff I need to know.[b]
Well, I got mine from reporting bugs and giving Ferret a heads-up or two. Honestly, I think you'd get one faster reporting stuff than reviewing games, but that's just me.
A simple and easy thing to remember when it comes to game reviewing... is to simply write down (in proper English) what your thoughts about that particular game are, don't force it, just let everyone know how you experienced it.
The above won't make sure you will earn one, but it does help giving some feedback to the game developer and it also helps your fellow AG gamers to see how the game is welcomed and decide to experience it for themselves...