ForumsThe TavernInternet Easter eggs

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I believe that you type in 'zerg rush' not attacked by zerglings. That is probably my favorite for Google. It is so much fun.

12,319 posts

There is a site with 25 Google tricks here. I will also summarize these tricks as follows:

1. Google Gravity: This trick no longer works. You used to be able to search "google gravity" and everything in the page would fall down.

2. Let Me Google That For You: There is a site called that will let you use the lmgtfy service to Google.

3. Google Chuck Norris: Googling "Chuck Norris" produces the message Google wonât search for Chuck Norris because it knows you donât find Chuck Norris, he finds you.

4. God on Google Earth: In 2010, people went crazy when Google Earth took a picture of what looked like divine beings.

5. Google Pacman: On May 22, 2010, Pacman was playable on Google.

6. Google Mirror: There is a site called that is a reverse Google.

7. Google Hacker: This link leads to a version of Google that converts many characters to hacker language.

8. Google Barrel Roll: This is the 2nd link in the OP. Googling "do a barrel roll" results in a barrel roll.

9. Google Rainbow: There is a site called that results in a rainbow Google.

10. Google Sphere: This trick no longer works. You used to be able to turn Google into a sphere.

11. Google Spam: This only works if you have a Gmail account. If you do, Adsense may send you a 1-line advertisement. If you get such an e-mail, your Spam folder will contain a recipe for Spam the food.

12. Google Tilt: If you Google "tilt" or "askew", Google will tilt to the right.

13. Dragon Slayer: If you open a Google Docs spreadsheet, pressing Shift+F12 will result in the message Dragon slain! Congratulations, youâve slain the dragon! ]B=8}

14. Google Ninja: With a Google Reader feed, press up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A and a ninja will appear.

15. All the Google Doodles: This link leads to all Google Doodles.

16. Recursion: Google "recursion" and you will get the message Did you mean recursion?

17. Google's Nessie: Use the beach theme on iGoogle and set the time to 3:14 AM. A monster will come out.

18. Flight Simulator: This began as an easter egg but is now a normal Google Earth feature.

19. Google MentalPlex: This was Google's 2000 April Fools' joke. Users were invited to think their questions while looking into the MentalPlex circle, giving Google time to read their mind before entering a search.

20. Google Anagram: If you Google "anagram", Google corrects you to "nag a ram".

21. The Disappearing OO: This link leads to a Dark Arts page. If you click on the page, the o's in Google will disappear in a few seconds. If you click again, the o's will return in a few seconds, then you will be taken to the real Google.

22. Annoying Google: There is a site called that will randomly change the case of search characters.

23. Epic Google: There is a site called that will make everything bigger.

24. Weenie Google: There is a site called that will make everything smaller.

25. Chicken Rolling: There is a site called that will result in a chicken roll.

11,891 posts

This site has a list of websites that have a Konami Code easter egg. To access it, you must enter in the Konami Code! If you don't know it by heart, for shame!

9,808 posts
6,800 posts

Alt+F4 reveals the name of your crush. It's so freaky, because it actually works.

1,044 posts

lolno maverick, just no.

I can't remember any that arent on this page already... hmmmmm...

maybe, no. askew. that's a good one. ticks me off.

6,400 posts

In addition to the easter eggs posted by Patrick2011 there is also:

1. If you type "the number of horns on a unicorn" into Google Calculator, you get 1 (duh)
2. If you type "the answer to the ultimate question of life, the Universe, and everything" into Google Calculator, you get 42
3. Google Moon: It's like Google Maps but of the moon. You can also zoom in to the locations of the Apollo space missions 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17. There is also Google Mars, Google Sky
4. Mentioned above is the "Google Nessie" where the lock ness monster appears at 3:14am (Pi). If you set the background to "Seasonal Scape" at 3:14 the Northern Lights appear and "City Scape" were a UFO appears at the same time.
5. If you Drag and drop the Street View man onto Lego Land in Carlsbad, California. He'll turn into a Lego figurine.

As a side note I would like to point out that the Chuck Norris easter egg no longer works.

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