ForumsThe TavernLet's Create: A Board Game!

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11,891 posts

This'll be a fun creative project. We'll create a board game (that no one will likely ever play) with a flavor of the Armor Games community about it. We'll brainstorm. We'll plan. We'll test and retest. Once we're done, no one will ever play it again. Then we can get started with taking over the world.

I've created a several board games (one really big ones, three medium-sized, and multiple small ones), mostly roll-and-move type, years ago. The really big one started simple and got a little too big and evolved into pencil-and-paper RPG as I added expansions.... The medium ones were a bit too complex (i.e. I can't remember the rules) and one actually evolved into a board game. The small ones are difficult to remember. Oh yeah, none of the rules or gameplay were ever written down. Suffice it to say, teenaged Gantic was a lot more creative before the internet.

Wait, that wasn't my point.

So, from my limited experience at creating fun, the only guidelines will be that the game should be easy to play and engaging without being overly complex, but that's probably already obvious. Then again, I haven't the mind for creating (simple) strategy board games. So we'll see!

Let's do this!

  • 29 Replies
1,707 posts


Is everything you just listed, except for cards guaranteed to be in this game?

2,765 posts

This seems like fun, and seeing as Gantic said he wants any idea we can think of here is as many ideas I can think of in 1 minute.

Super fast reaction time game. (There would be someone that would be neutral)

Characters (If any) get to choose from your favourite game creators, moderators and admins.

Different characters get bonuses depending on who they are (Eg. John draws 2 elephant cards instead of 1)

ELEPHANT CARDS! (Different colours mean different things)

AG trivia game

Optional risk/luck in game if you accept the offer.

The game of moderator life (All squares are "clean spam" except for one)

11,891 posts

Is everything you just listed, except for cards guaranteed to be in this game?

No. That would end up being really really silly. It's just a list of ideas.
1,673 posts

Sounds like a decent idea. Maybe you could make it kinda like a game of Stratego or however it's called where different characters have different levels of power. Like a serf would be the worst, mods admins and game devs would be some of the most powerful. I don't really remember exactly what stratego was and its main objectives except from playing it once or twice a long time ago at indoor recess at my elementary school :P I think you had to protect your flag or something with your different levels of troops. The problem is it might be overly conplex but eh. I'd rather have a command-type game than a roll-the-dice-and-hope-for-something-good game like monopoly, as mentioned earlier.

11,891 posts

List of current ideas:

- not a roll-and-move / luck-based
- cards?
- AG-style LIFE-like game
- ranking up from serf to king
- characters from AG games
- armatar characters
- zones relating to forums
- dice
- monetary game like Monopoly
- swords and shields, Tafl-like game
- seasons/elements of armatars
- gods
- fast reaction time game
- game dev/mod/admin characters
- elephant cards
- AG trivia
- game of moderator life all squares but one "clean up spam"
- Stratego-like game based on AG ranks

Optional risk/luck in game if you accept the offer.

What does this mean?

Sounds like a decent idea. Maybe you could make it kinda like a game of Stratego or however it's called where different characters have different levels of power. Like a serf would be the worst, mods admins and game devs would be some of the most powerful. I don't really remember exactly what stratego was and its main objectives except from playing it once or twice a long time ago at indoor recess at my elementary school :P I think you had to protect your flag or something with your different levels of troops. The problem is it might be overly conplex but eh. I'd rather have a command-type game than a roll-the-dice-and-hope-for-something-good game like monopoly, as mentioned earlier.

You are describing Stratego. Stratego is only complicated because it has, in my opinion, too many pieces. Looking at the statistics, an average of 381 moves for one player for one game is ridiculously long.
9,808 posts

AG trivia game

I was thinking of something like this...roll 2 that determines how many spaces you might be able to move...another that gives like a colour that corresponds to a certain then pick up a card about that forum and have to answer a question pertaining to that forum, if you get it right you move, if not then you don't move

-Could be like a maze-esque game...where you have to like try and not get caught by the rogue glitch. Something could make it so that players can change some positions of the walls to try and get other players caught

-Trivial pursuit-esque game with questions about AG (its games, users, mods, community, etc)
715 posts

Akward board game, like you to do things with Truth/Dare.

12,319 posts

I think we could create a board game where each player has an armatar, Armor Points, and a rank (corresponding to Armor Points). Each player would draw a card for a number of spaces to move, and a die for which deck to draw from. Each space would require a certain amount of draws and/or a special effect. The winner would be the first player to get the Gold King hat (which requires 17,500 AP; some spaces will say "Update Rank", which will allow the correct hat to be gained).

11,891 posts

- not a roll-and-move / luck-based
- cards?
- AG-style LIFE-like game
- ranking up from serf to king
- characters from AG games
- armatar characters
- zones relating to forums
- dice
- monetary game like Monopoly
- swords and shields, Tafl-like game
- seasons/elements of armatars
- gods
- fast reaction time game
- game dev/mod/admin characters
- elephant cards
- AG trivia
- game of moderator life all squares but one "clean up spam"
- Stratego-like game based on AG ranks
- maze-like, escaping a glitch
- Trivial Pursuit-like
- awkward truth-or-dare-like
- draw cards to move, roll die to draw, rank upgrade, Gold King to win

566 posts

Just a few ideas off the top of my hat:

- Use a non-rectangular shape for the board itself. I'm thinking either a piece of armor (just so it's a literal Armor Game ;P) or the shape of the shield logo.

- World domination is the actual goal of the game.

- The board is a relatively open battlefield. Every player plays a single knight trying to win against the others (not sure what the objective would be, but a board that isn't just linear pathways seems interesting). Potential cooperation (and betrayal?) could be a big focus of the game.

- A game which is based around one-on-one duels.

- Have different objectives every game. In addition, they should be different enough to actually require different playing strategies. Basically think Risk, where you have a big pool of possible objectives and you randomly choose a small amount of them for every game.

- A game based around game development.

- The game should allow for atleast a small amount of interaction between the players themselves.

11,891 posts

- not a roll-and-move / luck-based
- cards?
- AG-style LIFE-like game
- ranking up from serf to king
- characters from AG games
- armatar characters
- zones relating to forums
- dice
- monetary game like Monopoly
- swords and shields, Tafl-like game
- seasons/elements of armatars
- gods
- fast reaction time game
- game dev/mod/admin characters
- elephant cards
- AG trivia
- game of moderator life all squares but one "clean up spam"
- Stratego-like game based on AG ranks
- maze-like, escaping a glitch
- Trivial Pursuit-like
- awkward truth-or-dare-like
- draw cards to move, roll die to draw, rank upgrade, Gold King to win
- non-rectangular board
- world domination
- open battlefield
- on one-on-one duels
- different objectives every game
- game development

- The game should allow for atleast a small amount of interaction between the players themselves.

I think that's a given. I don't think there are board games that only allow one player. There are board games that can be played by one player but I don't think any exist that don't also allow for multiple players.
566 posts

I think that's a given. I don't think there are board games that only allow one player. There are board games that can be played by one player but I don't think any exist that don't also allow for multiple players.

Yeah, I phrased that kinda awkwardly. What I basically meant was players having the option to team up with each other and exchange resources.
Just so it doesn't turn into something like Chutes and Ladders, where it's just repeated diece rolls until one player wins.

Also, a game which can only be played alone actually seems like an interesting idea.
11,891 posts

What I basically meant was players having the option to team up with each other and exchange resources.

So like Settlers of Catan? but with PVP?

Also, a game which can only be played alone actually seems like an interesting idea.

I looked it up and single-player-only board games appear to be mostly wargames that used charts and books to dictate what the opponent does in a certain situation. There are also adventure games too. It appears there's a lot of reading involved for the single-player-only board games.
566 posts

So like Settlers of Catan? but with PVP?

Catan was really more of a generic example, but sure.

I looked it up and single-player-only board games appear to be mostly wargames that used charts and books to dictate what the opponent does in a certain situation. There are also adventure games too. It appears there's a lot of reading involved for the single-player-only board games.

Meaning if we made a singleplayer board game without tons of reading, we'd have something original on our hands. ;P

Perhaps instead of having a ton of different charts, we could have random events happening on the board.
Showing 16-29 of 29