After looking at the main website, it seems he/she works with Adobe Flex. Although, I am not sure why he would copy-paste Armor Games to his own website.
@ Jacen96 : The other thread is actually about a different website that cloned ArmorGames. This one is also a clone, but has a differnet URL web address.
@ xXxDAPRO89xXx : Please... DO NOT CLICK any link on any of the two websites mentioned in this thread!! Both websites can gather your information and (possibly) use it against you in the future...
Okay i won't click on them again... I just wanted to see what it was :P
That's exactly what these websites want to acomplish... they want you to think it's the original website and thus, give them your info by using it as such. And the websites that have a different web address might seem obvious at first, but like to get you wondering and try to see what's normal and what's not... end result is the same: getting your (to them) valued data.