ForumsThe TavernWhat can i do against my ****** school life?

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1,356 posts

So you might now how i am in the internet world, a nice guy, sometimes very annoying and stupid, but being as friendly as can. Now as we all know, the internet life is alot different then real, which is the reason i need help right now. I have a super s**tty school life, everyone is talking bad stuff about me that arent true and then theyre laughing about me, they wont want to listen to what i say, no matter how loud i talk to them, theyre laughing about me, using my clothes and my bag as towels to some nasty stuff, when im trying to fight back, they just push me over, its impossible to ignore them, because they are just coming up there and pointing their fingers at you and then pushing you over. I was trying to make it feel as a joke, i was able to just laugh for a few weeks, but then things were starting to get even worse and i needed to be seurios again, very seurios. Now when everyone is laughing at me and hating me i dont know what to do. All my friends were lost when i started to take stuff alot more seuriosly. My school life is like a hell. Has anyone got any ideas on how to get rid of this problem?


  • 28 Replies
889 posts

So, bullying goes on in a lot of places, which most people are obviously aware of.

I'll give you a scenario/story of something that happened to someone in my class last year:

There was this person who recently moved into the area of our school last year, and naturally enough - he came to the local school.
This was first year, so we had all just went from primary to secondary, so nobody really new each other that well but everyone else knew at least one person.
He didn't.
So, even on the very first day he would've had trouble socializing anyway, and as I'll say later he had antisocial behaviour.
After a couple of months, he was still an outsider, he didn't participate in any sports/clubs in school or outside of school.
During lunchtime while everybody was talking, going downtown, doing whatever, he would go to the library and read books.
People then starting calling him names, things such as 'loner', 'bookworm', ect, things most people wouldn't find too offensive, but, I guess he just took it the wrong way.
When people got a reaction out of him, the names got worse, and it eventually turned into physical harassment.
Some people did make the attempt to invite him over to talk and whatnot, but, he was just so used to everyone making a fool out of him he just a built a wall around himself.
Someone, decided to make a facebook page 'retending' to be him, they had photos of him up on it, which they took themselves while he wasn't looking and whatnot.
Most people knew straightaway who it was that created it, but nobody really said anything, it's easier to join in with bullying than to go on the opposite side of it and actually try to handle the situation.
How that problem was solved was he showed the page to his mother, who had then printed pictures of it and took them to our principal/headmaster.
So, with questioning in private and whatnot - the principal found out who made the page, which really wasn't too hard anyway.
Next day; on our way to class, someone started pushing him and others joined in, and he literally just snapped.
He got his pencil and just stabbed someone repetitively in the head with it, and said person had to get stitches.
The person who was being bullied took a week off school to cool down, clear his head, we found out later he was seeing a psychiatrist but, that is really irrelevant.
When he came back, there was only two weeks left in the year, and we found out he was leaving the school - the bullying kind of wore off, people either grew sick of it, or just didn't want to have to deal with getting stitches or just grew up.
He's getting on alright now, in the new school, no bullying or anything, since I know someone in the school he moved to.

I kind of resent myself for not doing anything about it, I never engaged in bullying, and even attempted to sit beside said person in several classes, but, he probably just thought I was going to annoy him, harm him/whatever given the people I hung around with at the time were the people who instigated the bullying, originally.


I guess morale of the story is, if you have one friend, you're okay.
Talk to someone about it, might not be the best thing at the time, but eventually everything will pan out alright.
I hope it doesn't go to the depths of you having to move school, because, I just find that blatantly unfair.
Good luck, anyway!

5,952 posts

Nobody wants to help me, ive tried alot of times, nobody wants to help me.

Man, shut the **** up. We are all trying to help you. Don't worry bro. That's the beauty of the Internet.

Alright I have 2 little thing-a-majigs.
1. Drop this by the General Relationship Thread. Social life is a relationship. Those guys can help you out a lot.

2. So, what did you do? Obviously, they don't just go out and make fun of you for no reason. Their HAS to be a reason. Find it. Deal with it. And don't be serious. That is bad for you. Don't be negative. That was me a little last year. Now I think positively, I have more friends, people want to be around me, and I became more of a center of attention. Be funny. Be crazy. Be sarcastic, arrogant and bold. Be lose. Don't let it get to you.
Another tip, and this one is something personally for me but you can adapt to it. Do you know what one of the greatest creations of mankind is? Soda. I drink lots of soda. Now, I'm not fat or anything, but its just something positive that I enjoy. Find something like that. Wether is be cookies, candy, soda, video games, whatever. Just one positive thing to let you forget about the **** in your life. Once youre done with that thing, then just act like everything restarts. Fresh and clean. Don't let things get to you.
1,373 posts

This is defiantly a issue..... well, here is my input. Im not sure if it will work, but you will be the judge of that.

If people are laughing and making fun of you, ignore them. They like making you look like a idiot, not only that, they like seeing you sad if it is in a subconscious state of mind or they are completely aware. Its best to not give them any interest in them, try subtly ignoring them. Not only that, these guy will loose interest in making fun of you in like a month. Not to bad I'd say.

Violence is not the answer, entrapment is. You punch a bully and you leave yourself open for a fight. Try entrapping them by having them trying to start a fight with you and maybe some how making a person of a higher rank then them catch them and put them in check. Make sure though you do not start a actual fight, even if you are well trained in martial arts. Violence will only feed the fire and it will never stop that way.

Try to find out who started all these rumor about you that aren't true and target this "opponent" of yours. Now Im not saying going um to there house and blowing it up, Im saying find the person who started this crap about you and doing one of 2 things. Either have one of your friends (in your location) spread false rumors about that gossip starter and have his plot backfire, or find out who this person is and report to that persons authority or such. Make sure you address these issues in private and have that authority watch you for lets say 2 weeks.

This is all I got for now. Hope this helps a bit.

1,361 posts

Do you have someone at your school you can report to like a teacher or a counselor? Usually they're safe to talk to in situations like this and they might be able to help you figure something out!

1,044 posts

jeff, this is serious...

you really should tell people, if it's really mean like they are mopping **** up with your stuff, you should really talk to someone of authourity...

if that doesn't help, take up homeschooling! it's what I do, and I have never had that problem!

1,824 posts

Your parents offer useless advice? Then press the matter. And you need to talk to your teachers, it is their job to make everyone comfortable in the class. If push comes to shove, change class, or even school.

9,808 posts

Alright...I'm goin to go about this a lil differently. Maybe it might help...maybe not...but I'll be ****ed if I don't try and help

If they try to make fun of up 'em. Make fun of yourself even more. Bullies look for a rise in people, they just want a reaction, and most of the time they want a negative one. If you start making fun of yourself with them, you have just taken away all of their ammo..what can they do now? Make fun of you for making fun of yourself? Well then so do you! Bam..that ammo is gone as well

Comedy is a great way to deal with bully situations as well...think about many times do you see the "funny guy" (funny guy as in makes everyone laugh because he has great humor..not that weird kid who walks around lunch aimlessly with a jacket covering his head. Yeah, my lunch period has one of those..) get made fun of? Not very often.

I used to get "bullied" all the time...people saying crap about me and what-not...then I basically just stopped caring. I opened up my humor a bit more and now the "bullying" has ceased..and anytime anybody tries to open that crap back up with me, I just use my humor and it diffuses their attempt to do so.

I hope this helps at least some

715 posts

The thing that helps most is the age.... the older you are, the better...

889 posts

The thing that helps most is the age.... the older you are, the better...

I would disagree, one of the lasting effects of bullying is shattered confidence, it would be easier to recover from it when you're you younger opposed to being older.
708 posts

I have no idea why you guys are whining about.

I have high school and I'm a Freshman:

-College Course Biology
-Advanced World History (Sophomore Level)
-Algebra II Honors Sophomore Level - Junior Level)
-English 1 Honors (Sophomore Level)

All those classes are pretty hard. All I do is manage time.

Time Management

Everyone, yes I mean everyone, needs time management.

Here are some tips:

-If you get a project, work on it the first day you get it. Finish at least the planning.
-If you get a weekly homework packet, do it right away and don't procastinate.
-Study for tests (obvious reasons)

Well, for me, I sleep at 11-12 am trying to do all my work. That leaves me with 6-7 hours of sleep. However during the weekends, I can sleep peacefully. (9-14 hours)

Just manage your time, because it helps a lot!

113 posts

Face it like a MAN!

1,356 posts

Thanks guys, ill try these tips, and shock, read my first post at the first page. This thread is about how to deal with bullies that are impossible to ignore.


708 posts

This does relate to your title. (Title explains everything.)

-Stress makes school a (great moment in your life!)...

And you talked about how bad it is, so I indirectly went around what you said and dug deeper into school related content. Think outside the box!

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