Yo, HTML doesn't work in the forums. Only in Abouts, aka profiles.
We use something called BB Code in the forums. To use it, click that image button above the post-text box, then go to the image you want and do "Copy Image URL" or "Copy Image Source." Paste the URL into the box and you're done!
And lol how did Salvidian post it but it won't work for me? :P
You may have done it wrong. To post an image in BB code, you need to have the following without spaces inside the brackets:
[ img ]URL of image[ /img ]
Now let's see if your image is postable:
It turns out that the link you posted is to an image page. For this post, I got the URL by right-clicking, then clicking "Copy image URL". Let's see if the copied URL posts the image:
For posting images: We have a button above the comment box for that, you know. Click it once, paste location into the box that shows up and Bam!, image. For finding photo URL: Might also be labeled as "Copy image location".
The problem you experienced at first was that you tried to link a URL (web address) as an image, this doesn't work. You need to use the actual image url to have it shown, the link below:
Using this URL link will produce the actual intended image, like this:
Same goes for the last image you tried to post, the one with the drop down menu when right clicking:
What I believe you should click is the option to "Copy Shortcut", but that seems to be disabled somehow, I can't tell what the reason is though, sorry...
A way to circumvent this (when the option to copy the shortcut is disabled) is to click the bottom option: "Properties". When clicking this, you should get the properties of the image in question with a link to the image inside, usually ending on .jpg, .gif or .png. Select this and use it to post the image with the "Image" option here on the forums.
More information on how to use the BB Code in the forums can be found here. Hope this helps! =)