i noticed that after the change in the interface of armor games when i click a game it loads really slow (like 5 minutes+ slow) or wont load at all.other game sites load at normal. any help with that i even emptied my cache but again nothing
What games are you referring to greekmarine? MMO games? If so... these are run from servers externally by the developers of the game. Said servers can experience 'hickups' which produce connecting errors. It's not something ArmorGames can help and you should contact the game developers of the game in question.
If it is referring to a Flash Game hosted here on ArmorGames, it could be that a certain game has a slow loading time due to problems with the browsers. Some developers already posted options to solve this in the game reviews, but again... it's nothing ArmorGames can solve from their end.
If none of the two options above are the case here, please clarify to what game you mean specifically and maybe we can pinpoint the problem for you and solve it!
Due to the fact that i play every new game in the main page (except MMOs,i dont play MMOs) every one of them, even older ones that loaded fine with the old interface have the issue mentioned above.
How old is your computer? It could just be due to the fact that your computer is getting old. I know games are taking longer to load for me now since my computer is getting older and older.
Also, usually if you are loading the game for the first time it will take a longer time. If you let it load all the way and then go back to the game later then it should load faster. That has at least been my experience.