ForumsWEPR[necro] Tensions with Iran

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The Department of Defense just disclosed that a US drone was fired upon over international waters last week (here). This is considered an act of war under international law. What happens next? Nothing? Tighter sanctions? War? Discuss.

  • 155 Replies
1,826 posts

International waters?
That is their side of story.
Iranians say other wise.
and I don't think anything will happen over this.
After all once washington downed their civilia\
plane too.

534 posts

Iranians probably didn't like what the drone was doing... that's all I can think of at the moment.

1,773 posts

As i said, Iran want to "show muscles", espeicely as USA is there target for blaming everything wrong with there country. So when they will pass the line there might be some tenssion, but i guese USA will leave it for now. It will be a stuiped move to attack now.

1,826 posts

As i said, Iran want to "show muscles", espeicely as USA is there target for blaming everything wrong with there country. So when they will pass the line there might be some tenssion, but i guese USA will leave it for now. It will be a stuiped move to attack now.
So, you think Iran is at fault here?

101 posts

What I find to be of particular interest is 't that the drone was fired upon, but that after Iran suppossedly shot down a stealth Sentinel drone, two fighter jets can't bring this one down. So anycase Iran could make to shooting down the drone in the first place just took a cripling blow.

1,826 posts

What I find to be of particular interest is 't that the drone was fired upon, but that after Iran suppossedly shot down a stealth Sentinel drone, two fighter jets can't bring this one down. So anycase Iran could make to shooting down the drone in the first place just took a cripling blow.

It was not shot downed, it was hack downed.
101 posts

Except that the RQ-170 Sentinel doesn't use GPS as a guidance mechanism, instead using an inertial navigation mechanism.

Furthermore, if Iran has the capability to take down a stealth drone via hacking, why send two aircraft to down it as opposed to hacking it again?

66 posts

Furthermore, if Iran has the capability to take down a stealth drone via hacking, why send two aircraft to down it as opposed to hacking it again?

Not all situations can use the same method. They likely didn't have enough time to intercept the transmission before the drone was gone, as opposed to a spying run where they literally have hours and hours.

This is a ploy by Iran to piss us off. They suck at killing Americans indirectly, so they want to provoke us into a war. That and it'll give them reason to attempt to bomb Israel.

Gotta kill our allies, too.
1,826 posts

Except that the RQ-170 Sentinel doesn't use GPS as a guidance mechanism, instead using an inertial navigation mechanism.

What makes you so sure?
and if it is so, it does not mean its unhackable.
Also had have it crashed on its own, it would have had been in a very bad shape.
Furthermore, if Iran has the capability to take down a stealth drone via hacking, why send two aircraft to down it as opposed to hacking it again?

To make a statement?
Why the hell should I know?
101 posts

What makes you so sure?
and if it is so, it does What makes you so sure?
Also had have it crashed on its own, it would have had been in a very bad shape.

1) The fact that the US Military, Fed, and independent groups have acknowledged the weakness of GPS systems, so much so that even civilian aircraft don't rely on GPS since stray beans can be picked up rather easily. So theres that, plus the fact that its military means there is a secondary system and may be even a third to make the drone resistant to hacking. But a Spoof attack is rather worthless because the GPS system isn't even the primary system. Your wiki article acknowledges this (source 17) and a quick perusal of sites using the search phrase "RQ-170 Iran spoof attack" confirms it.

2) Of course. But Iran claiming they got in through a spoof attack when the GPS is t even the main system for guiding the drone is fishy at best.

3) the problem is that the only images Iran has released of the drone have been of a mockup that was showed to the state-run media. And the details of an RQ-170 are available on Wikipedia, so it wouldn't be hard to make a fake. And given the bat-wing design of the aircraft, an engine failure (it does, after all, have only one) would cause the aircraft to go into a lateral spin as it fell, dispersing energy and slowing down further from air resistance so that it could impact the ground and stay in relatively good shape.

To make a statement?

The only statement that Iran sent was that it can't intercept an aircraft worth squat. And if they can't do it in international airspace, it stands to reason they can't do it in their own airspace either.
339 posts

Well we should go to war and neutralize this anti-America anti-Israel threat that almost has nukes but I think with the president we have in office he is to dull (or to anti Israel) to do anything about it.

1,826 posts

1) The fact that the US Military, Fed, and independent groups have acknowledged the weakness of GPS systems, so much so that even civilian aircraft don't rely on GPS since stray beans can be picked up rather easily. So theres that, plus the fact that its military means there is a secondary system and may be even a third to make the drone resistant to hacking. But a Spoof attack is rather worthless because the GPS system isn't even the primary system. Your wiki article acknowledges this (source 17) and a quick perusal of sites using the search phrase "RQ-170 Iran spoof attack" confirms it.

2) Of course. But Iran claiming they got in through a spoof attack when the GPS is t even the main system for guiding the drone is fishy at best.

so you are saying that Iran did not hack it down?
Are you an IT expert?
On what base you claim that?
After all Plane has a software and all software is hackable.
The way I heard it, they overided its controls.
3) the problem is that the only images Iran has released of the drone have been of a mockup that was showed to the state-run media. And the details of an RQ-170 are available on Wikipedia, so it wouldn't be hard to make a fake. And given the bat-wing design of the aircraft, an engine failure (it does, after all, have only one) would cause the aircraft to go into a lateral spin as it fell, dispersing energy and slowing down further from air resistance so that it could impact the ground and stay in relatively good shape.

Oh, now you are a aerodynamics expert too?
what does you base it on?
The only statement that Iran sent was that it can't intercept an aircraft worth squat. And if they can't do it in international airspace, it stands to reason they can't do it in their own airspace either

Or they could just have fired warning shots.
Many times such things happen that a plane goes in another country's territory and they fire warning shots.
1,826 posts

Well we should go to war and neutralize this anti-America anti-Israel threat that almost has nukes but I think with the president we have in office he is to dull (or to anti Israel) to do anything about it.

Sure you should
Families of 6637 soldiers
73901 soldiers themselves
will disagree with you.
101 posts

so you are saying that Iran did not hack it down?
Are you an IT expert?
On what base you claim that?
After all Plane has a software and all software is hackable.
The way I heard it, they overided its controls.

Nope. Are you an IT expert?

The fact that the RQ170 has software doesn't mean that Iran can hack it. Given that they claim they bought it down by a GPS Spoof and the drone DOESNT USE GPS AS A PRIMARY NAVIGATION INSTRUMENT:


I assume that since you have access to Armorgames, you can perform a Google search. May be do a bit ofresearch about how drones fly, navigate, etc. Waypoint navigation, inertia systems, and the lack of emphasis on a GPS system should all be looked into you.

And what Iran has said, and what you have heard, is that they broke the universe and fit a square peg into a round hole, because none of what they said makes any sense what so ever.

[quoteOh, now you are a aerodynamics expert too?
what does you base it on?[/quote]

Basic physics and knowledge of what happens to flying-wings when they lose power: they lateral spin. Also known as a Graveyard Dive and Death Spiral.

Or they could just have fired warning shots.
Many times such things happen that a plane goes in another country's territory and they fire warning shots.

I'd ask if you were a warning shot expert, but the fact that you don't seem to understand that doing so is an act of war would lend itself otherwise.
715 posts

The only problem is that Countries exist. If there were no countries, and everyone were united, half of the wars that happened for the past 5000 years. The other half are because of Religion.

Basically, you should not be proud of your country. They are all part of the same Planet. You should be proud that you are born On the Planet. The planet is in the universe, So You should be proud of being born in this universe... Actually you should be proud only of you being alive, It doesen't matter where you are born, be happy that you are born.

If we all unite, and everyone stop caring about themselves, it would be much better.

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