hi, i just friended this guy Rifey146 and when i went back to AG home page my armatar was changed to the ArmorGames shield with a space background when it was a Fox then i checked my profile and i went down about 250 AP is this a glitch or something....[PLZ HELP]ty, BlackDragon136
It appears when you had an armatar and then manage to fall below the needed amount. And you lost AP... maybe spammy comments on games or someone cleaned out their profile.
@ swipenet : that's what we like to hear/see! You're on the right track, keep it up! Short one or two words comments get deleted indeed. There's no feedback for game developers and users in them. Posting a mere + or - would be similar and therefor spamming...
Is there a chance you may have been posting 1/2 word comments on games when you originally joined AG or do you know of anyone whom you talked to a lot that recently deleted comments off of their profile?
If you lose AP it's because your comment as been considered like '' spam '' spam are '' one word comments '' that every member of the society have already made before, like, commenting '' cool, nice, great, ok, no, not good, ****, yeah, funny, awesome, or others one word comments'' on a game, it will be spotted by admin, and then be deleted, you gain 2 AP in every comments you made, so you will lose 2 AP in every comments deletedage=5&tbnh=60&tbnw=60&ndsp=46&ved=1t:429,r:30,s:100,i:94&biw=1366&bih=643" alt="http://www.google.ca/imgres?start=130&um=1&hl=fr&newwindow=1&sa=N&tbm=isch&tbnid=gpkO-GSMStyjMM:&imgrefurl=http://armorgames.com/play/1523/temple-guardian&docid=HWr0rGlHKU-ozM&imgurl=http://armorgames.com/image/armatar_4_60.60_c.png&w=60&h=60&ei=FyedULLcLqnN0AGL5oHoAQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=175&vpy=271&dur=565&hovh=60&hovw=60&tx=102&ty=23&sig=113586452540421927492&age=5&tbnh=60&tbnw=60&ndsp=46&ved=1t:429,r:30,s:100,i:94&biw=1366&bih=643" />. (Personally, in 2010, I lost at least 3000 AP, because some of my 6000 comments were considered like spam, so watch what you write, before publishing it, and it will not be deleted
in 2010, I lost at least 3000 AP, because some of my 6000 comments were considered like spam,
You've got your math wrong. 3000 AP from comments should be 1500 comments. 6000 comments would be 12000 AP and you probably would've been banned for having that much spam.
You've got your math wrong. 3000 AP from comments should be 1500 comments. 6000 comments would be 12000 AP and you probably would've been banned for having that much spam.
^ 6000 spammy comments lol... that's insane... :P And even if you lost like 1,500 comments they're probably all from short one word game comments @blackwolves